Memory 13 ♡ Squeeze The Lemons Life Gives You

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It was a dark and stormy night when everything went to shit.

I'd barely just had enough time to duck behind the counter when Miguel and Bryce stepped into the Magic Cafe.

"It was just one coffee," Miguel groaned. "It's not like this is something serious."

Poonam and Matt were already used to my eccentricities, so they just walked around me doing their thing for their tables. It was late enough that even though we had a handful of tables full, all of the customers wore headphones as they studied for their finals frenetically. I'd decided to take the nightshift again to basically get paid for measuring Ayrton up for my two male apparel outfits, and he was nowhere to be seen.

I just hadn't counted on the fact that I'd end up hearing these guys' argument.

"One coffee too many! You should've stood her up."

"You're kidding me, right?" Miguel asked.

"No, I'm dead serious," Bryce huffed. "What happened to bros before hoes?"

"First of all, women are not hoes that you can discard and pick back up like a used watch." I could tell from Miguel's voice that he was angry. Which was a first. I peeked over the counter but I couldn't see his expression, it was Bryce who was facing my way. "Second of all, you already started seeing someone else."

Bryce smacked the table, and despite their headphones a couple of customers turned to see what the big deal was.

"Ugh," Poonam uttered above me. "What a dick."

"That doesn't mean my ex is free game!" But that wasn't all for Bryce, he then said, "Just because you have a pretty face you think you can get all the chicks? Well fuck you, asshole."

He stood up and for a second I feared he could see me, so I crouched down again. I heard his steps fade away and the front door open, where I could hear the howling of the wind again.

"That's my cue," Matt said as he headed over to ask Miguel what he wanted to have.

"Damn it," I whispered as Poonam joined me down on the floor. "Is he staying?"

"Looks like it, yeah." She put a strand of dark hair behind her ear. "How you doing?"

"I don't know," I admitted as I bit my lip. "Like, Bryce is a total douchebag but I'm not sure Miguel's being all that nice either."

"Yeah, dating your buddy's ex is kinda weird. Although I guess if they really like each other it should be fine..." She trailed off as my face locked up in a grimace. "Anyway, the real question here is what are you going to do?"

"Nothing, I told you-"

"No, I mean," she said this with a roll of her eyes so massive it was a wonder they could right themselves again. "Are you planning on staying on the floor the rest of the night?"


It was true. I couldn't just stay in the way the whole night. Besides, I had things to do. I crawled on all fours to the manager's office and once I was in there, I gave him a call. And another one. Finally when he picked up all he said was, "Sorry, sorry! I'm on my way."

And he hung up on me.

I headed over to the ladies room to wash my hands and my face and as I looked at myself in the mirror, water dripping down to my Magic Cafe t-shirt, I wondered if this was as good time as any for a good ol' panic attack. In two weeks I was going to have the final showcase for my Design class, and Miguel and I also would have to submit our finalized Business Plan. And then finals would be over.

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