Chapter 23 - Not wasting any time

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"Look! It's a baby." Alvaro said in an excited voice with his back still facing me, making me unable to see what he was talking about. I started walking closer, when he suddenly turned around. In his hands he held a little baby monkey.

"Oh my! He's so small. What are we going to do with him?" I asked Alvaro while gently stroking the monkey's head.

"We have to look after him. He won't be alive any longer if we leave him here." He said not taking his eyes off the monkey that's clinging to his hand very tightly.

"I think monkeys can eat from birth if I'm not mistaken." I said while remembering an article that I have read in a magazine.

"Look at you, being a monkey expert and all." Alvaro said and raised his eyebrows.

"Oh shut up. Let's take the baby home." I said and waved him off.

We walked back to our tree house with the baby monkey holding on to Alvaro's hand. We reached the bottom of the ladder and Alvaro turned to me.

"You will have to hold him while I climb up then hand him to me." He said and held his hand with the monkey attached to it out to me.

I held my hand out and the monkey climbed over and ran up my arm then threw his arms around my neck. He held on and snuggled himself into my hair.

"I think I will manage climbing with him." I said to Alvaro who was clearly surprised by the baby's actions.

We reached the top and Alvaro fetched a small blanket from our room. He set it on the shavings lying on the floor that was once my bed. I took the monkey from my neck and set him on the blanket while Alvaro got an apple from our stash and started biting little pieces off. I took a few of the pieces in my hand and held it in front of the monkey's face. He grabbed my finger in his one hand and unsure and took one of the pieces and started eating it. Once he had tasted it, he eagerly finished half of the apple.

"He's so hungry. What should we name him?" I asked, not taking my eyes off the baby.

"It's your choice. He's family now." Alvaro said.

"What about..Chance? Because he got a second chance in life." I suggested.

"That's a wonderful name. Chance." Alvaro said and patted Chance's head.

The monkey went to lie down on the blanket and almost immediately fell asleep. I threw the edge of the blankets halfway over his little body and stood up from the floor.

"You know it's technically our honeymoon." He said and winked at me.

"It is. We will celebrate tonight." I replied him with a wink.

We went to sit on the edge of the floor with our feet hanging towards the ground.

"I still wanted to ask you what had happen that you and your family came here and why you are so against all other people?" I took a chance asking him, not knowing how he felt talking about the past.

He took a deep breath and looked down at his hands fiddling with each other in his lap.

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