31- Heal her

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Adith pov

She slept crying in my arms so I placed her on the bed and covered her with a duvet.

I stayed with her in her room as I can't risk her life again, just because of me. She should not try to take her life because of a jerk like me.

I don't deserve her.

Her face looks so pale and weak. You don't deserve this pain. I wish I had forgotten my ego and been with you at your worst time.

I feel so cheap for uploading those pictures every day after that. Even if she has been like that I shouldn't have done that.

I sat near her on a chair and look at her. I don't know when I dozed.


I woke up suddenly remembering Janvi. The bed is empty. I went to the bathroom.

"Janvi" no response.

"Janvi are you in there?" I asked again. Still no response.

I slightly pushed it, it opened wide but she is not there.

I went out of the room and searched for her, no she is not present anywhere.

Maybe she went walking? Yeah, that might be. I should wait for her. I went out and waited for her near the gate.

I waited for nearly more than 2 hours. Still no trace of her. I am getting tense now.

I dialled her number it's switched off. Where she might have gone?

'Where are you Jaan? Please come back I begged in my mind.

It's already afternoon still I can't see her.

Did she leave me?

No no, she can't do it. She can't leave me. I can't live without seeing her. Please come back to me Jaan, please.

I went to my room and called my detective Vansh.

"Sir do you need any help?"

"Yes, Vansh. I need to know where my wife is. Search her every corner of the world"

"Ok sir"

"I want details within 12 hours," I said.

"Yes sir," he said and cut the call.

I went out and took my car and went to her parents home.

"Hello, son. How are you?" Asked Mrs Hayer lovingly. What an act?

"Where is my Janvi?" So she is not here too?

"I am sorry, I should leave," I said and walked out before hearing their reply.

Where are you Jaan? I am dying to see you every second.

I searched for nearby places around our home and near her parent's residence.

I went to her room and sat on the floor on my knees. Her room just smells like her. I feel her presence everywhere I turn around.

'Come to me Jaan. I won't ever hurt you, I will give you the whole love this world has' I cried my heart out.

Please at least show me that you are alright.

I tried to call her again, still, it's not reachable.

I threw my phone in anger on the wall to shatter into pieces.

Shit. How can I attend Vansh calls? ∞∞∞ I heard my phone ringing makes me wake up from a nap. I don't know when I slept. It's Vansh. I attended it quickly.

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