Part 5

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I didn't want to get up the next morning, my bed was too comforting, too normal and where I felt like home. But I managed to groan and roll from the bed once mum called me to get up. I had just under an hour before Camber would return to escort me to the airport.
I had been informed that I would be travelling to the palace with Amelia Lockhart, a girl who also lives in Melbourne.

As I stood, pushing myself off the floor, I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a complete mess. I picked up my hairbrush and ran it through my hair until it looked reasonable. I certainly didn't look palace worthy.

I took time to braid my hair carefully and pin it up into a crown on top my head. That was a bit better.

I fixed a few of my silver jewel pins into my hair and matched it with my silver necklace.
I was tossing up between a skirt or a jumpsuit but I decided to ditch both and go with a comfy white sundress that had purple and blue florals on the sleeves. Matched with a pair of nude flat sandals, to stay comfortable on the travel.

I looked at my room and decided to pack a few things to bring with me. Pulling out a small bag from beneath my bed I thought about what I might take.

A few things I put in, my phone, a family photo, a few of my jewellery pieces and accessories. A notebook, worn and fading blue. My favourite red lipstick. My iMove and tech gadget guide. I didn't need much else. Camber had told me anything I needed would be provided.

I took one last look at my room, suddenly a bit sad about leaving it. I would miss sleeping in my own bed.

I finally stepped away, closing the door for the last time in a while.
Who knows, I would probably be back in two weeks anyway.

I slung my bag over my shoulder as I headed down stairs and found my family all gathered in the living room for final goodbyes.

"Bella!" Isla ran into my arms, happy tears in her eyes. Her little body wrapped itself around me as I picked her up.
After a long, loving hug, Isla released her grip on me and handed me a little tin canister.

"Here's your cookies." She said, handing me the cylinder tin that was decorated with pink checkered patterns across it.

"Thank you." I say, giving my little sister a light kiss on her blonde curls atop her head.

She steps aside and mum comes into view. "You look wonderful darling." She says with a proud smile, wrapping her arms around me in an embrace.

She rubs my shoulders, "Don't forget to be polite, use your manners and smile."

"Yes mum." I say, rolling my eyes. Mum gives me a glance and final kiss before dad comes to say goodbye.

He doesn't say anything at first, just pulls me in for a hug. He whispers into my hair, "Good luck darling, I'm so proud of you."

I smile at him and he smiles back at me. It will be strange not seeing him for a while.

Finally Elizabeth comes to say goodbye. Her cheeks are slightly tear stained, though I can see she had attempted to cover them up.
I hug her with the tightest embrace, feeling all the sadness of this experience finally hit me.

It's not like I could just pop over for a visit any time I wanted, I was going to be on the other side of the world.

"I'm going to miss you so much." Elizabeth whispers and I smile at her warmly,

"I'm going to miss you more." I say and feel my eyes becoming glassy.

"It's time to go."

I flicked my eyes to the corner of the room where I noticed Camber standing, a smart grey suit on, her arms crossed with impatience.

I hadn't even noticed her come in.

I gave my family one last goodbye wave and headed for the door behind Camber.

Outside the porch Bailey came bundling up and started licking at my face. "See ya bud." I say, ruffling his white fur.

But what drags my attention away is the fancy black car parked outside my house.

Not car.


"Come now." Camber said impatiently, already at the car and getting in as the chauffeur opened the door.

I gaped as I stepped up and make my way to the car. With one last wave to Bailey and my family I slid into the plush leather seat.

As soon as I was in the chauffeur shut the door, blocking my view from my home, only letting me see it through tinted windows.

Camber sat across and to the left of me, reading through a stack of notes. When she saw me watching she looked over, like she remembered something important.

"Before I forget," She fished something out of her bag and passed it to me, "This is your jewel pin. The 20 of you girls were divided into 4 gemstone groups, you are in Amethyst."

I admired the small silver pin that had a purple gemstone in it. I assume this was supposed to be a way to identify each girl and keep us in groups.

"You will remain in Amethyst group unless you make it to become part of the Nobility, then you don't have a house and are just a group. But more about that you will be told to you later on in the competition."

She paused for a moment, "If you make it that far." She said pointedly, like she didn't think I could possibly do it.

I just looked away from her and down at my pin, that I rotated around in my fingers carefully.

It was only the size of my thumb, but looked very precious. And it matched the flowers on my dress.

The car started driving and the intercom announced that it would take around an hour to get to Melbourne Airport.

Since the plane flight was so long I basically had to leave a day early compared to some of the other girls. I'd never travelled to England, so it would be a good experience.

For most of the car ride I sat in silence, staring out the window or into my lap.
I didn't know if I should make conversation with Camber, but she seemed content as she looked over her notes and organised her files.

"Have you ever met the prince?" I ask.

Camber looks up at me, surprised to be called upon, "I have never talked to him in person, the royals tend to keep to themselves. You should know I am just an aid. I work for the palace not at the palace."

I couldn't tell if her voice was disappointed or just monotone. She didn't seem particular dazed or interested by my attempt at conversation and went back to her work.

I couldn't remember much that happened next, so I think I fell asleep on the drive.

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