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I pinned my hair up, slipping my hands through my short sleeve jeans jacket. I played with my baby hair, applying some lipbalm on my lips before going down stairs. I stacked some Oreo's in my hands before grabbing the car keys from the dish bowl.


I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs and Adrian walked in, grabbing a Apple from the Fruit bowl. He kissed ruffled my hair and I pushed him away.

"Really Adrian?!"

He shrugged, continuing to eat his Apple. I undid my hair, then re did it placing the little bun in the middle of my hair back.

"Your going to turn into a Oreo one day." He commented, his eyes locked on my cookies.

I stuffed one in my mouth and shrugged. "I would love to become one. I would marry a Cookie one day."

He rolled his  eyes and walked out the kitchen. I called out. "What you doing today?"

"I got some Work to catch up on to turn into my professor. Why?"

"Can you pick up the list of grocery that dad written?"

"Didn't we get grocery last week?"

"This is for Amanda's You know what."

He nodded and walked away. Soon Mandy walked in her black hair in a mess. She was wearing a White poka dots shirt with a white short sleeve shirt. She was holding A brush in her hands, a scrunchie in her hands.

She held it out and I took it, a cookie in my mouth.

"What style?" I asked, a mouthful of Oreos.

"Braids on each side, connecting to one ponytail. Can you make it High?"

I nodded and pushed her in the seat. I placed the cookies on the table and dusted my hands off.

I used my nails to part the sides of her hair, before starting to do the braids. Once I was finished, I used the brush to comb up the Ponytail high.

"Is that good enough?" She picked up the mirror and looked into it.

She nodded and I continued. I picked up each braid and brought it in the braid.  I took the Hair band from my wrist and locked her hair in place.

I tightened the ponytail and used the tip of my nails to press her edges down. I puffed up the ends of her hair a bit before moving away.

"Put those things back and get in the car."


I nodded and grabbed her bag. "White sandals." I called out.

"Good choice!"

I laughed and got in the car. 

There were pieces of my hair still lose and falling at the sides of my face. I brushed them away with the tip of my finger tips but it fell back.

Amanda soon sat in the front and buckled the seat belt.

I started the car and pressed the gas.

I connected the cord to my phone and started the music.

"Shotclock!" Amanda sang.

I laughed and sang along.

"Shot Clock. Shot Clock."

"Five years of dating, tired of being patient. What the * You waiting for."

I started humming, my fingers drumming on the wheel. "Ok, Ok..."

"Hey Nita?"

I hummed. "Yeah?"

"Can you pick me up from school? I don't want Adrian picking me up."

I glanced at her and she was playing with her nails. "Why not?"

"I barely see you..."

I sighed. "Ok." 

She smiled and continued singing along to the song.


"Alright class, I would like you to pull out your notebook and copy down these notes. Once you are done, please come up to my desk."

Our teacher sat down after turning off the lights so we could see the Board.

The light reflected from it, though the room was still pitch dark.

I pulled out my notebook and started copying down the notes. 

I wasn't a huge fan of Science class but I never slipped up on my grades. My education was more important, not whether I like it or not.

I quietly starting humming the song "Trip" By Ella Mai.

Once I was done, I walked up to the desk where my teacher was. She raised a brow and I realized I was the first one done.

"Done already?"

I nodded. "I write fast..."

It was true.

Sometimes people wondered if I had robotic hands since I wrote super fast. I could finish writing a 5 sentence paragraph in less that 2 minutes.

It was weird but it had it's perks.

"Good for you." My teacher pulled out a bowl. "Please pick out a piece of paper. You may read it, but I will explain everything once this bowl is empty."

I nodded and pulled out a piece of the blue paper that was folded in half.

I walked back to my seat, reading the paper.

Shonna Lawrence. 


I sat down back in my seat and just put my head down. I blocked people from seeing what I was doing and set my phone on silent and the brightness on the lowest.

I started playing Escape Games on my phone.


"Alright Class!"

My head snapped up and I clicked my phone off, stuffing it in my pocket.

"As you see, you each have a blue Piece of paper." 

I looked around and indeed everyone had one. "We will be doing a Partnered project. The name of the person on the slip is your partner."

Shonna Lawrence. 

I looked around and saw people looking at others, searching for the face behind the name.

Since I didn't know anyone here, I just gave up and continued listening to the Biology teacher.

"The project is Called, 'Dog Cells'. You will be working together to find out Different Cells and Atoms to create a Talking dog. Break down the cells from a human body onto the Dog body and try to figure out a way on how to make a dog speak."

My lips pursed.


I rolled my eyes. This is going to be too hard.

"You may search for your partner. Once you found them, take the empty seat by them and get to know eachother. Once you have feel like you know them, you may get the Packet here. Only one packet for each Group. Got it?"

A few people groaned but nodded. "Good."

Great. A project.

Little Bite LunaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora