Chapter 11

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"Why? Why don't you want me?" I pleaded for answers. Orion stood up and walked over to me. He started walking around in circles around me.

My body went stiff. I felt as if he would pounce on me if I moved in the slightest.

"Answer me this. Why would I want someone who has these powers -goddess knows from where- who can't even control them? Huh? Why would I?" He asked. His face was in front of mine. Our noses were millimeters away from touching.


"Exactly, I don't want someone like you."

Tears pricked at my eyes and threatened to fall. Orion chuckled and pulled his face away from in front of mine. "Pathetic." He walked back over behind his desk and sat down.

"Why? Why cant you accept the fact we're meant to be together?" Tears slid down my face. I was hearbroken. How can someone be so cruel?

"Why can't you accept the fact that I don't want anything to do with you!" He stood back up and slammed his fists against his desk, making me flinch. I squeezed my hands into fists because I could feel ice trying to escape from them. I was luckily able to control myself.

"I don't need a useless mutt like you to be the Luna of the most powerful pack on the face of this planet."

"I can control it. I can help your pack big time. I can protect them. Just give me a chance, Please," I begged.

"Protect them!? Please!" He laughed. "With your inability to control yourself, you could kill us all off in a flash." He snapped his fingers for effect. "Just like that."

Orion sat back down. I had nothing left to say. My head hung low in shame.

"I hope I finally got it engraved into your thick skull. I. Want. Nothing. To. Do. With. You."

I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up all of a sudden and darted out of the office. I couldn't hold in the sobs anymore. Tears and crys escaped me.

As I ran down the stairs, I bumped into someone. I started to fall but they luckily caught me.

"Careful," Charles chuckled. He had a smile on his face but it faded once he saw mine.

"Are you alright?" He asked. Concern was engraved in his features. I wiped my eyes and smiled slightly.

"I'm fine. Orion and I just had a little disagreement that's all." I emphasized the word 'disagreement'. Charles didn't look like he believed me. I faked a yawn. "I'm getting kind of tired. Do you think you could show me to my room?" I asked. He smiled.

"Of course. I already put your stuff in your room for you."

"That's great." I smiled.

Charles walked me upstairs to a room. I walked inside. It was pretty big, bigger than my room back at home.

"Its great, thanks Charles." He smiled.

"No problem," he said as he left the room.

I went over to the bed and just flung myself onto it. Then, I let out all my feelings. Feelings of anger, sadness, fear, and so many more.

A knock sounded throughout the room, interrupting my cries. I sniffles and wiped my eyes, getting rid of the tears.

"Come in."

A girl came into the room. She looked so familiar. She had saphire blue eyes and dark hair. She seems like I've seen her before.

She is his sister, stupid. Isla said in my head. I rolled my eyes and shut the link off.

The girl came up to me and say on the bed next to me.

"Hi," She said. She seemed bubbly and full of energy. Maybe even too much energy for my liking.


"Are you alright? I heard you crying. And your argument with my brother?"

Wow. Nosey much? Isla already didn't like her but I decided to give her a chance.

"Yeah I'm okay," I assured her.

"Is it true?" I furrowed my eyebrows. She continued. "Is he your mate?" My eyes widened. How could she have found out?

She listened to our 'conversation'. Isla again piped in.

"Yeah it's true but please don't tell anyone. You and Charles are the only ones that know." She pinched her thumb and index finger together, acting as if she was zipping up her lips and throwing the key away.

"Your secret is safe with me, for now."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean, for now?" I asked.

"The pack has to know someday. They've been waiting for their Luna," She explained and I nodded.

"They'll just have to wait until I settle things with Orion. I can't seem to get through to him," I told her. I rested my head in my hands.

"I have these powers that I was born with. I can't control them and Orion thinks I'm too dangerous." She sat there listening to my little rant.

"He told me he doesn't want some 'mutt' like me being the Luna of the most powerful pack in the world." The tears started rolling down my puffy eyes and red cheeks. The girl rubbed my back soothingly and I instantly relaxed.

"You'll be alright..." she paused.

"Rayna," I answered her unspoken question.

"I'm Olivia," She said while getting up from her spot.

"I have to go now. Pack training starts in an hour if you want to go. I suggest you do so you can meet some of your future pack members," She tells me.

I hesitated, wondering if I should go or not. I wanted to show Orion he won't get to me any longer. I refused to let his cruel ways and words get to me anymore.

"I'll go," I finally said. Olivia's eyes widened from joy.

"Yay!! I'll come get you later. In the meantime, get ready."


Once she left, I started to get ready to face my cruel mate.

I'm not sure why but I really liked writing this chapter. I think its because of the drama at the beginning if it. Anyways, my goal is to get to 1k reads one day. I know we can do it if we all try!!

I should be doing an essay but I'm procrastinating as usual. I should also be practicing my flute for concert band because we just started getting into concert band music. We still have 2 home games and some pep band games. One of those home games is homecoming.

I haven't gotten asked because ya girl is single and no one likes her!!! It's fine I'll just ask myself to homecoming because that's totally normal!! (Note the sarcasm)

Enough ranting about my life.

Anyways I'll see y'all in the next chapter.

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