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Sorry for taking so long! I planned on updating yesterday, but as you know I didn't. But here it is

Harold's first punishment!

Are you excited?

Please tell me if anything is incorrect or doesn't make sense. Especially with the aftercare. I will try to correct it and do it better next time.

Now enjoy the chapter and huge thank you to spideriugin and xblacksunsetx for the help!



Ten agonisingly slow minutes later the door opens. Harry doesn't look up. He closes his eyes shut.

"I hope you are ready for your first spanking." Louis says as he sits down in front of Harry.

Harry's head snaps up, about to say something, but Louis beats him to it.

"Don't say a word!" he hisses. Harry snaps his mouth shut. "Head down."

Harry lowers his head with a frown. He swallows heavily once again, not use to an angry Louis.

"I'm going to tell you what you did wrong and what's going to happen. After that, you can either agree or state why you think this punishment is not reasonable." the dominant explains calmly.

Harry only nods slightly as an answer so Louis knows he is listening.

"You smoked behind my back, you yelled at me even though you could have talked to me calmly. You could've explained everything in a civilized tone." Louis takes a deep breath. "And you stole." he says slowly. "I am so disappointed in you, Harry."

Harry doesn't see it, but he can imagine Louis shaking his head at him.

"For that you'll be getting 9 spanks. It would be more, but this is your first spanking so I keep it at 9. 3 for every mistake. Any objections?" he asks.

The submissive shakes his head. He jumps as Louis takes his chin in his hands with a strong grip. His head is tilted up so Harry has to look into Louis' blue eyes.

"You can colour out whenever if it's too much, do you understand?" he asks urgently, voice softer than before.

Harry nods.

"Use your words, darling." Louis says gently, rubbing Harry's cheek with his thumb, not letting go of the chin.

"Y-y-yes, sir. I-I understand." Harry stutters out nervously.

Louis nods and let's go of Harry's chin. "Good. So do you have any objections?" he then asks again.

Harry wants to say yes, because isn't that a bit hard? Spanking for smoking? Well, and stealing and yelling at Louis. The submissive really doesn't want to do this, but if he'd say that he has objections then he would've to explain what and why and he can't. He fucked up this time and he knew the first spanking was coming sooner or later. He just had hoped it would come later. Much later.

"As I said, I'm going to give you 9 spanks. You can keep your boxers on, because it's your first spanking, but I usually would want your bum to be bare."

Harry blushes at that, but nods, looking down at his knees.

"After you received and thanked me for each of the 9 spanks, I want you to try and stay calm, okay? I talked with you about aftercare. This is really important for the both of us." the dominant explains sounding serious and waits for Harry's nod.

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