Chapter Twenty Six: Maybe Even Forever.

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"Hey, wake up," whispered a voice in my ear.

I let out an annoyed groan and settled deeper into the couch.

I heard a light chuckle against my ear and sighed contentedly to myself without really knowing who it was and why she was laughing.

"Sam, seriously, get up," she said.

"I don't want to!" I yelled.

I felt fingers move strands of my hair away from my face and tuck them behind my ear, as I slowly opened my eyes one by one.

I was greeted by warm brown eyes staring into mine and I automatically smiled. She was kneeling beside the couch, right in front of my welcoming line of vision. Her hair was neatly combed down and her face was freshened up but she was still in her pajamas.

"Hello there," I said, my voice slightly hoarse.

"Good morning," she replied, taking me in with her deep gaze.

I got up and took my time to stretch my back and arms on the couch.

"It's morning already?" I said, sitting up on it with a pillow on my lap.

"Yeah, we slept here all night."

"Where's your mom?" I asked.

"She's making us breakfast right now."

"Ah, I see," I said. I looked around at the serene, well-decorated living room and sighed to myself. There were pictures on the walls filled with unknown family members and friends and neighbours. My eyes latched on to a framed picture on the wall of Harley and her mom at a pride parade holding up the rainbow flags and smiling. I ended up staring at it wistfully.

As I did so, I couldn't help but think to myself how lucky she was to be who she was without any fear of her friends abandoning her and her family disowning her. The words that came out of my mouth next couldn't be helped either.

"It must be nice being out of the closet, huh?" I said.

She stared at me with a strange look. She shoved her hands into the pockets of her blue pajama pants.

"Well, I was relieved once I came out. Life somehow got easier for me eventhough I knew that being openly gay meant having more people in the world trying to make my life harder. The ability to just be completely myself without hiding anything is refreshing, even if it means I have to face discrimination once in a while."

I stared at her in awe.

"That must've been nerve-wracking, though. Coming out, I mean."

She sat down beside me.

"I had it easier than a lot of people, Sam. My mom herself is bisexual and she didn't come out to my grandparents till two years ago, when she started seeing other people, including women. So, when I had come out to her, she was just happy that I'd trusted her and threw a party for me the next day. She invited everybody from her workplace, our family members and friends who she knew won't hurt me in any way."

"Your mom is amazing," I breathed out, staring right into her eyes.

She let out a light chuckle at that and whispered, "She's alright."

"And so are you," I whispered back, leaning in already.

Her hands found mine and our fingers were soon intertwined, filling me with a sense of familiarity and ease but also excitement and joy, her skin warm against my own. Our lips met within seconds and my eyes fell shut at the feeling, my hands leaving hers in a hurry to hold her closer. She followed my lead, wrapping her arms around my waist, pulling my rapidly weakening body against hers, not breaking the kiss in the process.

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