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I WAS SITTING. I could tell that much. I move my head as my senses slowly come back to me, but with them was a pulsing thud in my brain and a high pitch screech between my ears. Confused, I flicker my eyes open and am bombarded with an abundance of natural light. 

When my focus returns, I watch as scenery whips past me and I'm perpetually propelled forward. I begin panting heavily as anxiety and suffocating confusion takes over. I move my head to the left to see Luke sitting in the seat beside me. He glances out of the corner of her eye, smiles and reaches forward to turn down the radio volume. 

"Oh great, you're awake." He greets me as he places both hands back on to the staring wheel. My head was pounding so I reach up and my fingertips find something wet on the side of my head. I bring my hand back down to my gaze. Blood. So much of it. "You're so cute when you're aslee—" 

I pounce on the door handle and begin pulling it back with as much strength as I could remember. 

"You know,it takes 48 hours before someone can be reported missing?" Luke continues to explain calmly while I continued to violently claw at the passenger door at my side, "I mean, luck for us you've push—wha—no—baby you're going to hurt yourself." 

When my assault on the door handle came up short, I resorted to banging on the glass and screamed for my fucking life, "HELP ME! HEEEEEEELP!" 

"As I was saying, it's quite lucky that you've already pushed your friends away. I mean, they fucking hate you now." Luke laughs like it was so damn hilarious. I grunt in pain as I slam my elbow against the hard glass. What the fuck was this made out of?  "Chase is already over you now so I doubt he's going to care and your friends were never truly your friends, Hayden. I was." 

"Do you also know what you are?" I snap as I turn to him, "Fucking psychotic!" 

He takes a quick, sharp and hard inhale as he takes a few seconds to calm himself, "Baby, we've been over this—" 

"What? The fact that you literally belong straight jacket or the fact that you've just straight up kidnapped me?" I ramble, my rage exploding like an untameable fire within me. 

"Oh come on, don't be like that. I'm doing this for you." Luke explains with a pout that I somehow use to believe was adorable. Now I wanted to rip his damn lips from his face. "Once we get away, we can start anew in a different country. How's your french, I'm told France is beautiful at this time of the year." 

I laugh, "Good luck getting me out of the fucking country." 

"You're not the only one with hacker friends. Don't you worry your pretty little head, Hayden. I've planned everything." Luke replies calmly with a sleezy grin, "I've got us new passports—how do you like the name Isabella? I thought it was super pretty. I will miss those beautiful golden locks of yours Hayden, but I'm sure you'll be able to suit black hair just as much. 

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