Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty - Passion & Fury

I hum sleepily at the feel of feather-light kisses being pressed across my skin. Sighing blissfully, I become aware of the weight above mine and open my eyes to see Ivan gazing down at me. A handsome smile pulls at the corners of his lips and he leans down to kiss my nose. Chuckling, I wrap my arms around his neck and play with the end of his strands. He closes his eyes just as a husky groan escapes his lips. Nestling his nose into the crook of my neck he inhales deeply while playing with a lock of my hair. 

And then his hands start wandering.

I feel them trail downwards and realize that in the middle of the night my shirt had ridden up to reveal my stomach and thighs. He moves to hover above me and the blanket slips off his body. I bite my lip as desire floods me at the sight of his tanned skin and defined muscles. Running my fingertips across his torso I watch him shiver slightly before grabbing one hand and brushing his lips to my knuckles sweetly.

He peppers kisses in a line from beneath my breasts to the top of my underwear which has me squirming underneath him in anticipation. I tangle my hands in his hair as he peels the material off my legs. However, he's just about to dip down when the door bursts open. In an instant, the blankets are above us and Ivan turns around to release a deafening growl that shakes the foundations of the inn.

"Fuck off, Benno!" He roars and I find myself chuckling yet blushing in embarrassment.

The door slams shut immediately before Ivan gets out of the bed and throws on his shorts. His body trembles in anger and I can see that his beasts are dangerously close to the surface. Sitting up, I catch his wrist and pull him down to press my lips to his. With a pleased growl he takes me into his arms and dominates the kiss hungrily.

Then he marches towards the door and steps outside. Laughing over what had just transpired I leave the warmth of the bed and head into the bathroom to get ready for the day. After I've freshened up, I decide to wear a rust colored jumper and tuck it into my black skirt which has gold buttons down the front. I pair it with my combat boots before swinging my bag over my shoulder. By the time I leave the bathroom Ivan returns but his expression remains as pissed off as ever.

"From now on Benno is in the back with the rest of the guards. No arguments!" He snarls before marching into the bathroom with his clothes.

"What did he say?" I chuckle as I pack up our things.

"That the car is here and we leave in ten. Couldn't he have mind linked me?!" He snaps as he brushes his teeth and changes. "Ruined my fucking morning!"

I frown at the turmoil and fear that slips through our bond. Standing, I stop him as he tries to take the bags from me and pull him into a tight embrace instead. It's like the tension leaves his body all at once and he sags against me. He wraps his arms around me and we just stand there for a moment.

"What else did he say?" I ask although I have a feeling about what could've gotten him so upset.

"Nothing –"

"He didn't burst into our room as if someone lit a fire under his ass for nothing, Ivan." I deadpan as I pull away. "Another letter?"

He sighs heavily before nodding. "Another one just addressed to you. There's more letters threatening you now than they are me and I'm fucking terrified, Amelia."

I feel fear course through me before I chase away the emotion. I need to be strong for Ivan and causing him more distress won't help our situation. "Well, we're going to ask Asher if he'll help us in this so that will strengthen our numbers. And now that the tour has ended I have no plans to leave our home after we return. Whoever this is will have to enter the castle to get to me and I know you won't let that happen."

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