Chapter Two

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"Here, take Jupiter — I'll find another way out." My sister tells me, passing me my baby brother. I situate him on my hip, careful not to burn him with the flame in my hand.

"But what if—" I try to protest. She shakes her head at me, blue curls bouncing.

"Run, and don't stop. When you reach the surface, head to the woods, out of the mountains. But stay away from Wolves"

The walls shake and we duck away from falling loose stones. My eyes well up and I throw my arms around her. "What if you don't make it out?"

She hugs me back tightly. "I promise I'll try, okay?" I nod against Aislee's chest and we both jump as another hit comes. "Take care of Jupiter if I don't make it." I nod again and pull away. "Te amo." She tell me, sadness dripping into her voice.

"Te quoque amo." I give her a long, sad look before turning and crawling through the tiny tunnel. I know there's a high chance I'll never see her again.

I hold onto my one-year-old brother tightly, crawling through the blockade on my knees. I ignore the pain as tiny pebbles penetrate my skin.

When I make it out on the other side, I yell back through the tunnel, in case Aislee's still there. "I made it!"

I take off running then, following her directions. But I'm confused. Mama said avoid the woods, Aislee said run to them.

I shake off the doubt and navigate down the corridor, keeping the balled up fabric in my palm lit with fire.

When I reach the surface, I extinguish it and throw the scrap to the dirt. Peering around, I widen my eyes.

Across the rocky terrain, near the main entrance to the Caves, a warrior line of  dragons fights an army. I can make out Wolves and humans, the humans armed and firing at the mountain. The dragons do their best to defend our home.

Baby Jupiter begins to cry, so I take off, wanting to avoid detection. I attempt to run as fast as I can, having trouble as I'm only eleven and carrying a one-year-old baby.

I reach the other secret entrance, knowing this would be where Aislee would come out. The ground rumbles and I nearly drop the baby.

Rocks tumble a few feet deep into the tunnel, blocking it off completely.

"Nullum!" I shriek, and tears flow down my face. I know now for sure that I'll never see Aislee again. Whether she was trapped or dead, my sister was gone, I was running out of time, and I needed to leave her behind.

I wake with a gasp, my eyes wide as I bring myself back from the depths of my memory. I sit up, yelping a little from the graze on my arm. I glance around before my eyes land on Jupiter. His teary blue eyes brighten.

"You're awake!" He exclaims.

"What happened?" I ask groggily. But the second the words leave my mouth, everything rushes back. I wheeze as I realize my baby brother saved my life. He's only five.

"You've been asleep for more than a day." His words choke in his throat; he's trying not to cry. "You aren't healing. I'm scared." A tear trailed down his pale cheek.

I open my arms, wincing from the slight sting. He falls into them, hugging me tightly. "I was so scared, Ry! I didn't know if you'd wake up!" He sobs.

"Shhh." I rub his back, letting him cry. He went through a lot today, for a five year old. He's probably exhausted.

He climbs onto my lap and I gasp, not expecting the sudden pain.

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