Special: The Hero is a Demon (Part 1)

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ATTENTION ALL READERS: The next few parts are going to be slightly confusing, but TRUST ME, it'll make sense later!!! (or not...idk)

I'm also going to give you all a WARNING! Like all the other "specials," the characters have a sad backstory. This guy's backstory contains themes of suicide!

Also, this chapter was SUPER long, so I decided to split it into two parts. If I left it as one chapter, it would've been over 5,000 words long, so...yeah. 

The next part will be updated next week~

Okie, enjoy the chapter!


Rosewald POV

"Wait for me, Marielle. I have something I need to tell you when I come back," I tried to say reassuringly.

"I-I'll wait as long as it takes, Rosewald. I'll wait until the end of time for you...so...please...please come back..." Marielle stuttered in emotional agony.

"I will. I'll come back, so wait for me," I yelled as I left my home village.

I took one look back at Marielle and saw her break down. 

My heart wrenched.

I will be back.




1 Year Later




I held my sword against the heavily wounded, red eyed demon before me.

The First Demon King, Escaliantor I.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"Hah. I didn't know that there would be such a strong hero in the human race..." he said as he choked out a good amount of blood.

"No...I'm not a hero. I am a murderer," I said bitterly.

Was I really a hero? In the past year, I have killed more innocent people than I could count under the orders of my king...

"How funny. Why is it that demons are considered evil and humans are considered justice? Human hearts are more twisted than a demon could ever be," he chuckled loudly.

"What you say is true...Yet I must kill you...Forgive me," I said solemnly.

"Hmm...Before you kill me, may I ask what you plan to do when you finish this pointless journey?" he asked with a smile on his face.

...What I plan to do...?

"...There is nothing I want more than meeting with her again."

"Oh? So you have a girl back home...What will you do when you meet her again?"

"I'll ask for her hand in marriage, of course."

"Will she want to marry a sinner like you?"

"...She'll never know about anything I have done."

The demon roared in laughter.

"It seems that the hero has been tainted beyond repair! I bet you despise the humans that did this to you," he chuckled.

"No. I only despise myself."

"...I like your answer. You remind me of myself when I was crowned the king of demons. Do you know? I hate myself too~"

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