Scary Movie and Heavy Kisses

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“Hey.” She said coolly. She was leaning against the railing looking ahead. She didn’t look upset or mad. Just… blank. I scooted in next to her and looked ahead with her. “My mom got the text too.” She said.

I bit my lip nervously and waited for her to continue.

“She kicked me out. She's also cut my college funds for next year.”

“Oh, Brit… I’m so sorry.”

She held up her hand and took a deep breath, but her expression didn’t change. And I realized I recognized that expression. I had that same expression 2 and a half years ago. That numb look, after you’ve lost everything.

Her had absent mindedly went to her stomach. It rested there as she looked ahead.

I reached over and took her hand in mine. “Brit, I know thing look tough now. Things always look scary before a storm. But afterword there is always the prettiest rainbow.”

“I want you to move in with me and my mom. She had me in a teen pregnancy. She would totally accept you with open arms.” I told her.

“I don’t want your pity Summ-“

“Who said anything about pity? I you’d have to help with the chores. We’d work you like Cinderella.” I joked.

She grinned and elbowed me playfully.


We walked into my front door and my mom came running towards us.

“Britney I’m so glad to see you!” My mom said as she hugged both of us.

“Okay, so your room will be the third room on the right. I already made the bed for you. The dressers are empty and waiting to be filled. Make it yours.” My mom said cheerfully.

Brit and I chuckled as we started to haul her stuff up the stairs. There was a familiar jingle of keys, “Mom? Are you leaving?”

“Yes dear. I got called in to work the night shift. I should be back home at around 4 tomorrow morning.”

I heard the door shut and rolled my eyes. She’s always working.

I put my mind back to the task at hand. I couldn’t believe my best friend was moving in. It’s like a never ending sleep over! We made our way down the hallway and into Brit’s new room. The walls were lavender purple with off-white colored sheets. There were 3 dressers and a small walk in closet.

“Make yourself at home.” I told her.

My phone started to buzz in my back pocket. I looked at it and saw it was Bryce.



“Bryce was helping me look for you and I sorta forgot to tell him I found you.”

I stepped out of the room. “Hey babe.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you found her? I looked for an extra 20 minutes after you left!”

“I’m sorry! I forgot!”

“No shit!”

“Hey, what the hell is your problem!?” I asked, starting to get pissed.

“Nothing, just forget about it.”


Brit came out with a frantic look on her face as she pulled on her shoes. “I forgot I had a job interview!” She stumbled down the stairs and grabbed her purse and car keys.”

“Hello?” Bryce said on the other end of the line.

“Oh, sorry, Brit just had a spaz attack cause she realized she had a job interview.”

And then it hit me. I had the house all to myself. My new “roommate” just left, my mom’s working the night shift… I have the house all to myself, to do whatever I want.

“Hey, Bryce? Do you wana come over for a little bit?” I asked.

He was silent for a moment, “Sure, I’ll be over  in a bit.”

“I’ll be waiting.” I said teasingly before handing up. I walked to my room smiling. We were going to do ‘that’. We set up those boundaries a while ago, and they were solidified when Brit got pregnant. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be a couple…

I peeled off todays clothes that I wore and pulled out a pair of Blue sweatpants, a lime green sports bra and blue zip-up jacket. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and made my way downstairs.

There was a knock at the door. It didn’t surprise me that Bryce was here already. He could just jump the fence between our backyards and be here in a minute. But I figured since it took him more than that, that he drove here. I skipped over to the door and through it open. Bryce was leaning against the door frame, smiling. His eyes grew wide when he saw me and I realized I didn’t zip up my jacket, so you could see my sports bra and my bare stomach.

I giggled, “I figure maybe we could watch a movie.”

“Sounds great! What movie are we gonna watch that we haven’t already?”

“I was thinking Evil Dead!” I said pulling him behind me as we walked up stairs and into my room. He sat down on my bed as I put the movie in the DVD player. I pressed play and went to go sit down next to him.

In all honesty I needed this. I’ve been stressing all day. First about the team, then about Brit.

I laid down on my pillow and Bryce laid down next to me. “Have you seen this before?” I asked.

“Nope.” He said.

The movie started and at first it wasn’t scary. Just a bunch of people trying to help this girl who was addicted to drugs. Then  the scary shit happened. I screeched and held onto Bryce. The girl in the movie, peeked her head out of the basement and made me scream even louder. I hid my face in Bryce’s shirt.

“Turn it off!” I whined.

I heard Bryce chuckle as he reached for remote to turn it off.

His arm wrapped around me, “Babe, its off.”

I peeked up, just to make sure. “That was the scariest movie I have ever seen!”

“You say that every time we watch a scary movie.” He pointed out.

“Well because each movie is scarier than the last!”

“Then why do you watch them?”

“Why do you let me watch them?”

He tightened his arm around my waist and grinned, “Because I get to hold you when you scared.”

A smile played at the corner of my lips. I crawled closer to him so my face was hovering over his. “Really now?”

His hands cupped my face as he leaned up to press his lips to mine. The kiss starts out slow and tender, but soon turned into a heavy make out session. Bryce pulled away making me gasp fo air as he trailed his lips along my neck. I weaved my fingers through his hair as his kisses tailed up my neck and just under my jawline. My heart was beating so hard I was sure that it would pop just out of my chest. My breathing is shallow and fast, making me light headed. I love this feeling I was going through. Everywhere our skin touched I felt a jolt of electricity.

I pulled his head back up so I could kiss his him again. Everything was becoming so hot and heavy that I knew if we didn’t stop now, we wouldn’t be able. But my mind was so foggy that all I could think about was his lips against mine and his strong arms around my waist.

We had to stop before this went too far… I pulled away and leaned my had against his chest which was rising fast just like mine as we tried to catch our breath. I looked up at him to see him smiling. He rested a hand on my cheek, and I rested one on his. “I love you Bryce.”

“I love you more, Summer.


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