Bonus | 02

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June, the summer before college

Mason Maloney

I was not an outdoorsy kind of guy, that was for sure. So when my parents broke the news that we were going to be staying in an old wooden cabin in the woods and called it "vacation" I wasn't too thrilled. The only thing that made it better was that they suggested Sam come along with us.

Being stuck in the back of the car in between Nathan and Sam for the four hour ride to the camp ground wasn't the most pleasing thing either. I was practically on top of Sam because Nathan was making it clear that he wanted his space as he spread out in his seat. I bit my tongue so I wouldn't start a fight in such a small space.

"Should we play a car game?" Mom asked, turning around to face us.

Nathan and I gave her matching looks of blank stares

"Can you guys act at least a little bit excited? This is going to be a fun trip!" Mom exclaimed.

"Not if we get eaten by a bear," Nathan muttered, looking out the window.

"We're not going to get eaten by a bear," Mom denied with a scoff. "I bet Sam wants to play a car game."

The three of us looked to Sam who put an awkward smile on his face.

"Sure, sounds great Mrs. Maloney," Sam replied, though he wasn't very convincing.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't do that to him, Mom."

"Wyoming!" Mom shouted out.


"The license plate game," she responded. "You just call out the different states that you see."

"Michigan," Dad said, pointing to the car in front of us.

"Rhode Island," Nathan mumbled about the car that just passed us.

I sighed and rested my head on Sam's shoulder, causing him to toss his arm around me.

"This isn't a state, but there's a Quebec license plate up there," Sam pointed out.

"That counts!" Mom said.

"Counts toward what?" I asked.

Mom just shrugged.

This game went on for a while. I didn't keep track of all the states they were able to find, but it took up a lot of our time.

By the time we finally arrived to the camp ground, we were all anxious to get out of the car. Dad pulled up to the cabin after we had gotten the keys and we immediately went inside.

It was a quaint little cabin with only one main area, two small bedrooms, and a bathroom. It was better than having to sleep in a tent, so I wasn't going to complain about it. The bedroom I had to share with Nathan and Sam had a queen sized bed on one side and a twin over in the corner near the window.

"This isn't so bad," Dad said as he poked his head into the room where Sam, Nathan, and I were putting down our things. "And Mase, you and Sam are not to share a bed."

I groaned aloud and gave Dad an annoyed look as he left the room, shutting the door behind him.

"I'll let you two have the bed if you promise not to do anything gross," Nathan offered with a stern look.

"I don't think you'll have to worry about that, these walls are paper thin," Sam replied, sitting down on the bed.

"Just don't do it while I'm in the room," Nathan told him.

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