XIII. Shun

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"If a circle shuts you out, draw a circle around it." Marty Rubin


Chapter XIII - Shun

I woke up the next morning to an empty house. Mom had left a note saying that she'd had an early consult so I was left alone with my thoughts.

Once again, I slept like crap, and so I looked like crap. I tried my best with makeup but not much could hide bloodshot, sleep deprived eyes and bags that looked like freaking balloons.

Despite how I felt, I was excited to go to school. I wanted to speak to Shea. I wanted to pounce on him and not get off of him until I had answers. I hated this past weekend. I hated it with every fibre of my being. I hated feeling helpless, and worthless, and goddamn lied to. I needed Shea to tell me the truth because my mom sure as hell wasn't going to.

So long as Shea was ignoring me, Mom thought it was reason to celebrate.

I barely nibbled on an apple before I grabbed my book bag and keys and headed to school. I didn't realise it was so early, but I was one of the first cars into the lot. I took one of the closest parking spots and waited. I was watching the entry drive way in my rear-vision mirror, just waiting for Shea's black truck to pull in.

It was nearly eight-thirty when I finally saw Shea's truck pull into the lot. My heart leapt out of my chest as I threw open my door and grabbed my book bag from the passenger seat.

Shea parked across the lot from me, and I was dodging and weaving between cars to make it over to him as quickly as I could. But I stopped in my tracks when I saw that it wasn't Shea who climbed out of the car. It was Cece and Jamie. Where was Shea?

Disappointment filled me, but I then realised that I could still get answers from them about Shea. I would also demand to know why Cece hadn't bothered to reply to any of my messages over the weekend, as well. I wasn't in the mood for niceties.

I adjusted my book bag on my shoulder and marched over to them. When they saw me coming, they exchanged a questionable expression before both of their eyes returned to me.

I immediately noticed that Cece seemed really off. She was usually so chirpy and bright, but she seemed so solemn today. Even the way she was dressed was different. She usually wore tank tops, or something revealing her athletic figure. But today she was wearing dark sweats and an oversized grey hoodie. She honestly looked like she had been to a funeral according to the expression on her face. What the hell was going on?

"Hey!" I called out, as soon as I was in earshot. "What the hell happened this weekend?" I demanded to know. "Shea hasn't spoken to me all weekend. You weren't replying either." I thought back to Mrs Eckhart slamming her front door in my face. "Even Zoey's mom refused to talk to me. Seriously, what the hell? Is Shea okay?" Why wasn't he at school, anyway? Why was Cece driving his truck?

Jamie took Cece's hand and he squeezed it comfortingly, however, he didn't meet my eye.

"He's okay, Sara," Cece told me quietly. She stole quick glances up at me, but like Jamie, she wasn't meeting my eye.

My stomach was in knots and panic started to fill me. What was actually going on? What the hell was wrong with them?

Jamie pulled on Cece's hand and she started to follow him towards the main school building. Cece looked like a different person. It was almost as if someone had possessed her body, as though she was reading from a script.

I was dumbfounded for a minute before I continued after them. "Wait!" I cried. "Cece, what's wrong? What the hell is going on? You're not telling me something!"

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