chapter twenty two

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Edwards happiness quickly left when's the baby rejected all the blood we offered it. It began to feed off bella. My baby was making me week from feeding off me for so long. Edward started to want Carlisle to get rid of it. Everyone started to panic. I heard a motorbike and Jasper stood next to me, Leah by Mason. She has been with us for two weeks straight. No one in the pack new besides Seth who was also with us the whole time. I looked out the window.
"Jacobs here." I said and Carlisle went downstairs. Alice and Henry had gone to see if there where any legends anywhere that may help us. Rosalie stood by Bella. Emmett by the door and Esme sat by Bella's feet. Jacob came up with Carlisle following. He walked down and looked around. He made his way to Bella but Rosalie stopped him.
"Close enough." Rose said.
"It's okay." Bella said and Rose moved letting Jacob sit besides here.
"You look terrible." He said smiling slightly.
"Nice to see you too. " Bella said sarcastically.
"So you going to tell me what's wrong with you?" He asked.
"Rose. You want to help me up." Bella three back I the blankets and revealed her bump. I placed my hand on mine as she plays with the bottom of her shirt.
"You did this." Jacob snapped turning on my brother.
"No he didnt. I put the idea in his head. " I said but stopped and but my lip holding in my pain. Jasper rubbed my back sadly. Emmett and Esme looking at me worried.
"You need to rest." Carlisle said.
"What's wrong with her?" Jacob asked.
" She gave up the blood bags for Bella but the baby is rejecting them. " Rose said helping me into the sofa.
"Its been feeding off bella for too long." I say through my teeth.
"Its feeding off her!?" Jacob yelled.
"Leah, Seth take Mason outside." Only Leah got up And took Mason out while Seth sat next to me glairing at Jacob.
"And her baby's feeding off her." Emmett said. " She won't drink the blood bags.
"There for Bella." I said taking deep breaths.
" Bella baby is rejecting them just drink them. " Seth whimper.
"Keep trying." I snapped. " I can do this. I'm a vampire. Bella human. " I say gasping. "She needs them more than me." I whimper.
"Normall at this stage the baby dies. But this one is getting stronger by the day." Jasper frowns.
"It's because it's feeding of blood mixed with vampire venom." Then it hit me.
" No. " Edward snapped at me.
"Dad take my blood." I said and Jasper looked at me as if I'm crazy. "Give it bella. It'll make her stronger. Slowly turn her. The baby is killing her. She might-ow ow ow." I hiss in pain.
" I don't think-"
"Either you do it or in you g to do it myself and give me that blood bag!" I yelled and Emmet grabbed me one from the fridge. Soon the pain slowly went away . "My baby was stronger because it was drinking my blood. So if Bella drinks my blood shell get stronger too. It's worth a try. We've tried everything else." I said and Jasper have me another blood bag, sensing my hunger.
"What!?" I yelled.
" Lillian calm down. " Jasper said rubbing my bump.
"He's lost the eminent of surprise. He has the place surrounded. He'll wait for his opportunity." Jacob said.
" Bella getting better! " I snapped. "Her body and baby is excepting my blood. Hell she's can stand on her own again."
" In Sam's mind the treaty is void. " Jacob frowned.
"The he'll it is. masons in this house. What happened to no imprint is to be harmed?" I asked making him frown.
" Mason won't be hurt. " Leah growled.
"Leah your one person. You can't protect yourself your brother, Bella and Mason." I said.
"Everything will be fine." Carlisle said.
" Carlisle. My son and unborn child is everything to me. You don't want a fight I understand that but if anything happens to them I will gladly separate Sam's head from his body. "
"Its funny when your like this." Emmett smirked.
"None of you guys have hunted in weeks and Bella's going to be giving birth. That means blood and lots of it. One of us could snap. That includes me. My baby is constantly hungry. " I rant. Jasper took my hand and I frowned.
"It'll be okay darlin'. No one will hurt Mason or the baby. And no one will hurt Bella." I nodded buzzing into his shoulder worry filling me until a wave of calmness came over me.

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