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A/N: This story is brought to you by Tempest Studios.

Your POV:
It was the day after Zak and the crew had their tour. They are coming tonight to investigate so they are doing tours today. This is the third tour today and my energy is low, something feels off. I can't recall a time where I didn't have enough energy for less than five tours, but alas, I find myself feeling very sleepy. I'm sitting in my spot in the ballroom staring dreamily out the window when I feel a not so welcome presence.

"Well, would you look at that, seems as though someone let the little bird out of her cage." Comes a Scottish voice. I turn to see Furgeson. "Hello Darling."

"What do you want Furgeson." I pout. "And don't call me a bird."

"Oh, but that is what you are love, a little bird who has lost her cage." He snickers. "It's a shame really, that boy yesterday certainly had an air of charm about him. would be a shame if something were to happen to him tonight."

"You leave Zak out of this Demon!" I shout.

"There is nothing you can do about it though, I've already ordered my people to torment him and his friends tonight." Furgeson explained.

"Crowley I swear, if you hurt him and the others you will get no sympathy from me!" I threaten. "Don't hurt them."

"But what can you do love? You're nothing more than a comatose patient who doesn't know their place in the world." He says. I can feel my anger rising causing the drapes around me to start fluttering. "Besides, I know these guys, they will split up and will be vulnerable to attack. You will be out of energy and you can't be in more places than one. You aren't a real spirit dear so you can't do the things normal ghosts and demons can. You are powerless to save anyone." He mentions. At this, I throw my energy at him, toppling the barrier poles protecting the items in the ballroom. Crowley vanishes before my blast could hit him and after the energy blast dissipated I am left feeling drained, at that I fall asleep.

~Time Skipper~

Zak's POV

It is the day of the lock-down and I did some research at the hotel. Over in America there was a (y/a) year old girl who goes by the name (y/n). She was hit by a truck after shoving her younger sibling out of the way (if you are an only child, congrats! you now have a sibling. You choose what gender they are). God what a hero, it makes me kind of sad that she can't remember what happened. I want to help her get back to her body. I called the hospital where she is being cared for and asked the receptionist to give a message to her parents, telling them I found their daughter's spirit and I want to help return it. We reach the castle at around 9:30 pm and I notice that Maggie is standing at the door as per our arrangement. I walk up to her, "Hey Maggie, how are you doing today?" I ask.

"Not good Zak, we have had a few attacks and (y/n) hasn't been there. I fear something has happened." Maggie explained, expressing her concerns.

"Don't worry Maggie, I'll make sure she is safe, I'll find her no matter what." I turned to the group. "Okay guys, let's start this lock-down."

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