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By the time I reached the barracks, it was several hours after the cadets had left me alone in the woods, and night was beginning to fall rapidly over the city.

I pulled my mare to a stop in front of the stables, her breath coming in hard snorts from her nostrils from the push to reach the wall before nightfall, and slid down from the saddle, my legs faltering just a bit underneath of me as I hit the ground. I put a hand on the horse's warm, damp flank to steady myself and after I had straightened, I gave her a gentle pat, feeling the sweat from her hair under the palm of my hand as I did so.

"Corporal (L/N)!"

I glanced up as Miller ran over to me from across the commons, followed closely by Jaeger, Ackerman, and Arlert. She came to a stop in front of me, breathing hard, and her eyes widened as she took in my disheveled appearance.

I knew I must look like hell. I'd taken down around ten titans on my own before I'd headed back to the wall, and my skin was sticky with sweat and congealed, crimson blood. My uniform stuck to my body, and my hair was stringy and damp as it fell over my forehead. The 3DM gear at my side was hot from use, and I had gone through all of my blades taking down one titan after another, my hands blistered from swinging sword after sword without a pause.

I pushed my hair back off of my forehead and let out a long breath, stretching out the hand that held my mount's reins to Miller as I said tiredly, "Miller. Stable my horse, please."

She hesitated for a moment, watching me for a few more seconds, before she reached out her hand and took the reins from me, her fingers brushing mine as she did so. She clicked her tongue to the horse and pulled it after her as she walked by me, not meeting my gaze again as she disappeared inside of the dark stables.

After she was gone, Jaeger cleared his throat and stepped toward me, his eyes holding a slight look of hesitancy as he seemed to decide what words to say. I felt my heart drop slightly, and clenched my hand into a fist at my side before I said through my teeth, "Jaeger. Tell me what's happened."

He flicked his gaze to mine, a slight look of worry coming across his normally stoic features, and then said, "We got Corporal Ackerman back in time."

I felt myself release the breath I had been holding. That was all I needed to hear. No matter what else happened, no matter what else I had to face, as long as he was here, still alive, in this world, I could go on.

"Commander Zoe fixed him up as best she could. She's been with him for the past couple of hours in his quarters, keeping an eye on him." Jaeger continued, his gaze never leaving mine. I'm sure he could see the sense of relief in my eyes at hearing his news. His tone grew heavier. "Commander Smith wasn't very happy that you stayed behind without us. He's requested that you report to him immediately. I'm sorry, Corporal (L/N)." He finally dropped his eyes from mine, as guilt entered his voice. "We got you and Corporal Ackerman into this mess."

I waved a hand at him dismissively. Even though I knew I was going to get a severe tongue lashing from Erwin for being so reckless, I didn't care right now. I felt like a hundred pounds had been lifted off of my shoulders at the news that Levi was alright. "Don't apologize, Jaeger. I shouldn't have let you all go off on your own in the first place." I pushed past the trio, putting my hands on Arlert's and Jaeger's shoulders briefly as I passed by. "And anyway, even that wasn't much of a mistake. Because I knew you three idiots could handle yourselves just fine." I gave them all a slight smile, clapping them on their backs before I headed off toward the officer's quarters.

As I walked toward the stone building in the distance, I took in a few deep calming breaths. Why was I so nervous again? He was okay. Hange was taking care of him. Everything was fine. So why did I feel this sudden dread in the pit of my stomach that made me feel as if I was going to throw up?

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