Chapter II - The Creatures Walk Among Us

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I watch the shadows dance across my curtains under the moonlight. Then I watch the shapes and the colors change as the sun rises on the horizon. Long after the early morning rays steal into my bedroom windows, the alarm goes off. I get up to trudge slowly into the ensuite bathroom.

I do feel a little better as soon as warm water rains on me. Water always makes me feel better. I stay as long as I can in the shower. I'm thankful that I don't have to share a bathroom like my sisters, Madison and Luella.

I get dressed and tie my hair up into a ponytail. I sigh heavily after I'm done. Even tying my hair up takes a lot of energy out of me.

I put my black rim glasses on and give myself a quick look in the mirror. I don't need glasses and I don't necessarily like it but mom wants me to wear it, so I do.

When I finally make it downstairs, everybody is already sitting on the barstools by the kitchen island.

Mom is typing away on her phone, probably answering her work e-mail. Madison is face deep in her cereal bowl. Luella is drinking her green juice- I think I see kale bits swimming around among other green bits- it's supposed to help her keep her figure trim.

Luella and I are both sophomores at Belfountain Academy. We are wearing similar school uniforms; white collared shirts, red ties, blue and white plaid skirts, navy blue blazers emblazoned with Belfountain Academy crest, black knee socks, and black shoes - not that everybody at school is following the dress code strictly. Luella's skirt is way too short, I'm convinced she's wearing Madison's old one.

Madison has an almost identical uniform on except her blazer is dark maroon in color with a black tie because she's still in middle school.

"Good morning!" I force a cheerful smile as I grab an apple from the glass bowl on the counter.

"Good morning, honey," says mom, looking up from her phone.

Madison lifts her face up from her cereal bowl. Her dark blue eyes, identical to mom's, peer up at me. She tries to say something but her mouth is too full. Luella ignores me as usual.

"Aren't you going to have your breakfast, sweetie?" Mom puts her phone down on the counter, focusing her attention solely on me.

"I am having breakfast," I tell her. I take a bite out of the juicy red apple just to prove the point.

"That's not a proper breakfast. Sit!" she says, indicating a stool beside her. Mom is not much of a cook. Pouring cereal and milk in a bowl is the extent of her culinary skill. Our cook, Mrs. McEwan has taken a few days off, so our choice of breakfast has been cereal or toast and jam for the last several days.

I sigh and take the seat as mom slides a bowl of cereal in front of me. I'd prefer to leave now. Acting all cheerful and full of energy in front of my mom is very exhausting. I can feel the weakness seeping in through every corner of my limbs.

Mom smoothes my hair gently back as I scoop the cereal into my mouth. "Your root is showing, darling. I'll set up an appointment with Ramona for you this week."

I don't bother answering her. My hair is originally light blonde, but mom has it dyed dark brown- the same color as hers and Madison's for as long as I can remember.

Luella is also a blonde, almost as light as mine when she was adopted into our family over six years ago. It has darkened quite a bit since then and mom makes an appointment with Ramona every few months for her to lighten it.

"That's it, I'm out of here," says Luella suddenly. She pushes her chair back and snatches her school bag at her feet.

"You're driving Madison today, Luella. Don't forget to pick her up after school," reminds mom.

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