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Ferya had been able to set up the coffee shop with the help of a few of Lucifer's minions that first evening she had been hired and without much more effort, she had the kitchen running and working, allowing her to open the next night under the watchful eyes of the demon Baltha.

Ferya had yet to find a human willing to work in the coffee shop past curfew, despite the assurances of their safety from the demons who protected the place. Even though the safety was due to the fact that none of the night hunters would dare harm them while they were working for Lucifer, it was safety that no human believed in. Ferya herself had been a little wary the first night, which she had spent tensely, not trusting the demons left to guard the shop any more than the people who had filtered in slowly.

Initially, they had come in out of curiosity, as Lucifer was better known for different sorts of establishments than coffee shops, and some of the creatures walking in had simply left when they realized that all the shop sold was, in fact, coffee and baking. But far more had remained and politely ordered what they wanted, or what she recommended as many of those who were never out during the day had not had much chance to frequent coffee shops.

By the end of that first night open, she realized that Lucifer hadn't underestimated his sway over his own people. Anyone who came, was well behaved and had better manners than she had ever received from Kin.

Vialen hadn't arrived, had not even tried to contact her since Baltha had gone to deliver her notice that first night. When she had asked him about it the morning after, while he stopped in to investigate the smells of her baking as she tested the newly installed equipment, he had merely grinned to her and grabbed a chocolate donut before leaving her in silence.

A couple of the younger human occupants of the building had been willing to work the day shift after the first night, upon seeing that she had survived unscathed, leaving Ferya to tackle the busier night shift on her own, as well as doing the next day's baking through the early morning hours before sunrise.

Not that she truly minded any of it, and the nights had become less tense when she realized that she was safe and in control of most parts of her life. Lucifer had not seemed overly concerned about what she was doing in the shop or otherwise, having even gone so far as to tell her that the decisions were hers to make before he had left her to her devices.

She hadn't seen him since the first evening, though she felt the warmth of the bracelet he had given her on the first day weighing heavily on her wrist. His words had been blunt, telling her how to call his attention with it if she needed to and when she needed to. But so far, she hadn't seen anyone from the Council or the day kin during her shifts and, in speaking to Clara and Winlow, neither of the two girls had noticed anything out of the ordinary during the day.

Halfway through her second shift, she was stocking another row of muffins into the display rack when the door opened, and she saw a familiar face approaching her. With a grin she raised a hand in a half wave to the shaggy haired young man with the piercing green eyes as he broke into a broad grin. With so many unfamiliar faces, even though he had merely been a regular who had been nice to her, she felt like she was seeing a long-lost friend as she greeted him. "Hey Gavin."

"You did find a new place to work." He grinned to her, before pausing mid step when Baltha shifted into view from the shadows in the far corner of the shop. The fire demon leaned forward on the table, watching the shifter intently and Gavin paused to return that stare for a few moments before turning back to her. "I had hoped I hadn't tasted my last butter tart."

"Surely they found someone to replace me?" She offered softly as she turned to grab him his treasured selection, giving it to him before turning to pour him a coffee. By the time she had the paper cup full and turned towards him, he was at the counter, leaning a hip against it as he took his first bite of the butter tart, closing his eyes as he groaned.

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