Chapter 23

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The throne room is decorated precisely how I imagined it. The banners of deep crimson and vibrant gold drape across the tall ceiling and run above the aisle.

The chairs run along each side perfectly distanced from each other. Each chair looks to be made out of gold with a satin cushion of porcelain white.

I let my eyes zone to the end of the aisle and my eyes immediately focus on the handsome man waiting for me. Lucas is wearing a vest that matches my gown, black dress pants that are fitted to his legs, and a long ceremonial robe draped across his shoulders. Lucas looks every bit the king he was born to be.

I can't help the smile that graces my lips when Lucas mind links me.

You look absolutely enchanting baby girl. I love you.

I love you too. You look dashing as well.

My feet move on their own accord, leading me to the end of the aisle and toward my mate.

As I take the last steps Lucas reaches out his hand, guiding me the rest of the way and to his side.

Reginald and Sofia rise from the thrones causing the guest to sit back in their chairs and Lucas and I to kneel in front of them.

Reginald speaks as he reaches for Lucas' crown off the pillar and cushion it was sitting on.

"Do you Lucas James Knight, accept the responsibilities that will fall onto your shoulders as the leader of the werewolf kingdom

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"Do you Lucas James Knight, accept the responsibilities that will fall onto your shoulders as the leader of the werewolf kingdom. Will you care for all your subjects? Will you stand by your mate, your queen as equals and support each other through all life will throw at you? Will you rule the land with the best interest of all within your mind?"

"I promise to fulfill my duty as Alpha King and do everything in my power to rule the kingdom fairly and protect each person of this great nation."

Reginald places the crown onto Lucas head with a proud smile lighting up his face.

"I then hereby pronounce you Lucas James Knight, Alpha King of all werewolves!"

There is a strong shift in the room as the Alpha power goes from Reginald to Lucas. Lucas had already projected a powerful aura but now it had increased ten folds.

Reginald takes a step to the side and Sofia takes his place, reaching for my crown with a wide smile on her face.

"Do you Audrey Elaine Shepherd accept all responsibility that will fall on your shoulders as Queen Luna? Will you stand by your mate and king through all the struggles life will throw at you? Will you accept your role as Luna to all and mother fig...

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"Do you Audrey Elaine Shepherd accept all responsibility that will fall on your shoulders as Queen Luna? Will you stand by your mate and king through all the struggles life will throw at you? Will you accept your role as Luna to all and mother figure for those who lack?"

Kenna is howling in my mind, ready to accept her role in life. I on the other hand have a racing heart and nervous for what this life will mean. But with Lucas by my side, I will be able to do anything and everything.

"I promise to fulfill my duty as Luna Queen and do everything in my power to rule the kingdom fairly and protect each person of this great nation."

Tears start to fill Sofia's eyes as she places the crown onto my head.

"I then hereby pronounce you, Audrey Elaine Shepherd, Luna Queen of all werewolves!"

Again there is a shift in power that everyone can feel. I feel like my entire body has been wrapped in some unknown fabric that is slowly seeping into me. With each second that passes, I feel stronger, healthier, and obviously more powerful. There's another feeling, the feeling of my heart swelling in size and a connection formed with every single person of the pack.

Lucas reconnects our hands as we rise to our feet and walk the few steps to the thrones. Sofia and Reginald move down and sit in their awaiting chairs in the front row next to Andria and Dustin.

Lucas helps lower me into my throne and then sits next to me in his. The entire crowd lifts from their chairs and sinks to the ground with their hands over their hearts.

I can't help the proud smile that lights my face and the joy in seeing everyone accept Lucas and I as their new rulers.


The power in Lucas' voice sends a shiver down my spine. I can feel the joy of the pack at the simple word spoken by their new king.

Lucas looks to me, with a look of pure joy on his face. It takes every ounce of self control not to lean over and kiss him or get lost in his deep blue eyes. I look back to our new subjects sitting back in their chairs with smiles adorning each of their faces.

"Everyone is dismissed to the ballroom for dinner and dancing. Each person has a place card on their designated table. Please enjoy."

Everyone bows their heads but don't move.

Lucas rises out of his throne and helps raise me out of mine. We walk down the stairs from the platform and down the aisle till we are out the door.

Once the door closes Lucas envelops me in his arms and spins me around. He places me back on my feet, both of us laughing, and places a passionate kiss on my lips.

"I guess you are now, officially, my queen."

"I guess that makes you, 'officially', my king."

"I love you Audrey."

"I love you too Lucas. Now let's go enjoy this dinner I spent a week working on."

"Your wish is my command my queen."

"Oh shut up Lucas!"

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