Ch. 31 - Banished

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I sighed as I looked at the only thing I had left of my family, the picture frame. It was the only thing that survived the explosion, I found it among the ruins of my old home.

When Roselyn tricked me into having mercy on the prisoner only for me to find out that she knows him.

I let out a growl thinking back to when I found her helping the prisoner. She wasn't allowed to help anyone, only me.

By the time I realized she wasn't in her room, I had made it in time to overhear him call her princess.

At first I thought it was a nickname but as I heard more of the conversation I was wrong.

She pleaded him not to tell the king that she was alive, that she didn't want to rule or marry someone named Chase.

When I put two and two together, I was more shocked than angry. I couldn't even detect that she was royalty.

I should've known by her strength and how she could brush off my commands. I never would've guessed that she was the princess.

I regret how I handled things, I will admit that. But I had to act like I was betrayed and angry for her sake.

What she doesn't know is that the reason why we were attacked was because word had got around that I had a mate.

All thanks to Winston, that bastard, so the rogues attacked to get close to Rose and kill her.

I killed them all, stuck all their heads on a spike at the edge of my territory as a warning for anyone else who tried to invade us.

I had kept that one prisoner because I knew from his clothes that he wasn't apart of the rogues but somewhere else.

He didn't even fight just immediately surrendered and gave up the location of where the rogues were.

I questioned him but when he told me who he worked for, I lost it. I began to torture him in all the worst possible ways, I knew why he was here, I had been tracking his boss for years.

I didn't want Rose near him because if he told his boss about her being my mate, I wouldn't be able to protect her.

He was more powerful than me, he proved it years ago. I was more angry that as she showed the prisoner kindness and he was lying to her about who he was.

When I began to attack him, and she was crying telling me to stop.
He whispered to me 'she will die' and that's when I delivered the final blow.

I leaned back against the chair and just stared at the closed door.
Everything I have done up to this point was to protect her, but I couldn't tell her.

She wouldn't understand, she believes that she can change me, and I want to change for her.

But if I am to make this world a safe place for my mate, I have to be my ruthless self or else we will all die. I felt emptiness as I felt her leave my land, I banished her but it was for her own good.

She needs to be far away from here but once it's safe, I'm going to search the world for her and bring her back. Interrupting me collecting my thoughts was a knock on the door.

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