St. Lucifer

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Sorry for the wait. I was writing chapters for another story but here it is. Enjoy


Spinning a pencil around his fingers, Azazel tried to keep himself busy - or awake from last night's activities - as he looked down at a clean sheet of paper in his sketchbook at Lux. Maze, on the other hand, was looking at her tablet waiting on Lucifer to come down.

"Did you finally get what you wanted from Chloe last night?" Azazel asked after hearing his older brother coming down the stairs, fixing his jacket. Turning his gaze towards his brother then at Maze as he felt a sort of tension of between them, Azazel keeps his mouth shut to see what happens next.

"If me and Maze are on speaking terms, perhaps I'd fill you in," Lucifer says grabbing a glass causing Azazel to frown and look at Maze. 'What happened?' Azazel mouthed to her.

"Where you going," Maze asked ignoring the younger fallen angel's question.

"Why do you ask?" Lucifer scoffed pouring some liquor into his glass turning towards her. "Still reporting back to my brother?"

Seeing that the two were completely ignoring him, Azazel packed his things and headed out. Half the day had gone by when Azazel returned, finding Lux decorated with fundraising posters everywhere.

"Okay... What in the name of Father happened while I was gone?" Azazel asked looking at the place.

"Well, dear brother, when you were gone and I decided to allow a fundraiser group to use Lux for their venue for tonight," Lucifer explains.

"Did you get hit in the head while on a case again?" Azazel frowned, questioning his older brother. Noting the chances of the devil actually using his own club to hold a fundraiser was very unlikely til now.

"I promise I've haven't gotten any more wounds or accidents since the fire weeks ago," Lucifer tells him with his usual smile.

"How many more ironic things can the devil do? First, the Devil get burnt by fire and now he's holding a charity event at his bar," Azazel crosses his arms as he rubs his forehead. "As much as I want to see how far this irony will go for you... I've got things to plan for the next few months."

"And what would those plans be for? Hell? The tortured souls? Or is it more parties with our other Fallen siblings?" Lucifer asked.

"It's not like you care, Lucifer. You gave up the reins over Hell. And most of the Fallen don't see a reason to listen to you after that," Azazel tells him, turning around he heads to the elevator. "Try not to do anything stupid."

More time had passed and the two fallen brothers were up in the penthouse: one getting dressed and the other reading a book on the couch with his shepherd laying next to him.

"Seriously, opera?" Azazel asked giving his brother a questioning look.

"Relax brother. At least it isn't a song about our father," Lucifer says fixing his cuffs. "So how do I look?"

Looking at his brother's choice of clothing, Azazel sighed and turned his attention back to his book. "Why the suspenders? You look like a nerd, who's missing his glasses."

"Haha. Very funny, Az," Lucifer says to him while Azazel smirks. Hearing the elevator ding, the two brothers hadn't turned to see who it was as they thought it might be Chloe.

"Detective. Is that you? Hope you come to your senses." Lucifer says turning towards the elevator. Instead of being faced with the blonde human, Lucifer was met with a brown-haired man with a western mustache wielding a pistol.

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