Epilogue (Extended)

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It had been six years since they officially got married and Ceaser loved being married to an amazing woman. Yes, they had their challenges but there were more happy moments than others. Those hard moments were what made him realize how strong his woman was and how much his love for her continued to grow with each passing day.

Remembering everything they had gone through to get to where they were all seemed like a story but he knew just how real they were.

Jules watched her husband from the kitchen, she didn't think it was possible to love someone the way she loved him but yet she did and she still wasn't over it.

Their first anniversary had resulted in the now four-year-old Ian Thompson.

"Jules!" Selene called from the poolside where everyone was gathered

Jules snapped out of her reverie
"Coming." She called as she picked up the bun for the burger.

"She got caught up in her world again." Andy said when Jules joined them at the poolside.

"Like always." Sofi said carrying her three-year-old son - Javier

Jules rolled her eyes and went to meet Eric at the grill.

"Just in time." He said as she placed the tray of bun near the grill.

He placed the ham between each bun as she added the vegetables and cheese.

"About time." Alex said as he placed one hamburger on a plate.

"Hungry as always I see." She said

"Oh, I wish it were mine." He said "It's for my p-fiancée" He stuttered which made Jules' brows crease as she watched him take the plate to Andy.

Those two were up to something.

"Mama, play" Ian said when he saw the other kids running.

"Be careful." She said as she placed him on the ground.

Xavier picked up one plate and placed two hamburgers.
"For my pregnant wife." He said wanting to justify himself.

Jules watched him take the plate to Sofi who smiled as he approached and kissed him when he handed her the plate.

She smiled, happy to see both her friends happy.

"Can I have one mum?" Ivy came out of nowhere snapping her out of her daze...again.

"Of course honey."

"Here you go, darling." Eric handed her one before Jules could even process her thoughts.

"Thanks, grandpa." She smiled, kissing him on the cheek and went away happily.

Jules looked to find Eric smiling.

"You love it when she calls you grandpa, don't you?" I asked

"I'd say no but you'd know I'm lying." He said.

Jules watched Ceaser play with the kids - nine years old Ivy Thompson and three years old daughter Iva Thompson in his arm. Those girls were his princesses, daddy's girls. Ian was closer to her except it involved any male sports. Javier and Ian played together

"Attention everyone," Alex called as every adult turned in his direction. He stood with his arms around Andy and cleared his throat before he spoke. "We have some news." He said, "We are..."

"...expecting a child." Andy blurted out and laughed when she saw Alex's expression.

Jules beamed.
She sorta knew.

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