10. Maybe it's Fate

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Edit/Rewritten: April 24, 2021


Tripps POV


Chapter Ten: Maybe It's Fate

If there was a way to stop time and rewind it, now would be the perfect time to take it. Because at this moment the only thing I wanted to do (I mean, I've wanted to for a while let me be honest) was slap myself. As Logan's pillow soft lips met mine, his hesitation rolled off of him in waves. I forced myself to push away the shock (because since when had he-? Liked me? Was that what this was?), and grasp the back of his neck, soothing his hesitation as our lips moved against each other.

Watching him while kissing would be admittedly weird (read: creepy), so I waited until his eyes fluttered shut, sinking deeper into our movements before closing mine. Our movements were slow, sensual, there was no rushing it and tingles shot up my spine as he relaxed further against me, his hands traveling to the back of my neck to play with the hair on my nape. We pressed closer and his hands reached up, patting and brushing my curls.

The action made me smile as I pulled away, because the action, despite being intimate, was an action I asked of him whenever I was down in the dumps. Most times I had to push for it, literally tearing his hands away from his phone and placing them on my head for him to get the message. God, despite being scared out of his mind, Logan was trying to comfort me (could he be any more perfect?).

A shaky sigh left Logan as he opened his eyes slowly, slumping on my lap. He refused to look at me, his eyes zeroing in on my chest. I reached out towards him, caressing the side of his chin with my knuckles and coaxing him to look at me. There was another second of hesitation before he finally swung his eyes to meet mine.

There was a furrow at the top of the bridge of his nose and the usual brightness that enveloped his iris' had dimmed. He blinked and tears gathered on his waterline, decorating his eyelashes.  "I—"

"I really like you Tripp!" He blurted out, once more interrupting me. "Like, as more than a friend."

A pitiful whine, then another second of un-meeting gazes. "Really?" I teased, trying to ease his fear. "You sure you don't go around kissing all your other friends?- Ow!"

In all honesty, I deserved that half-shove, half-punch, but it was all worth seeing his shoulders sag in relief (it was also worth the pout he graced me with). I sent him an exaggerated frown, rubbing the area where he had pushed against me. "This is abuse, Logan. What am I going to tell my mom when she asks about the bruise?

"That you're being an ass." Logan huffed, pout unmoving and hands crossed over his chest.

"Oh? Really?" His eyes narrowed, looking at me from the corner of his eyes as though he knew I was planning something (maybe he did, I wouldn't be surprised). "Clearly, a very charming ass if you like m-"

"Oh my god!" Logan screeched before I could finish my sentence. "No, I don't. Not anymore." Another shove. "Shut up."

I pouted, "That sucks, I like you as more than a friend too."

That was a lot easier than I would like to admit, good job Tripp, finally getting some courage.

"I — what?" The fear that was there before came back full force, making my eyebrows furrow in confusion because- wasn't this a good thing? The air became tense again, Logan stiffening on my thighs and as he surged back to get off me, I reached forward to grip his waist, effectively holding him close.

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