37. Threat

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Pamela's POV

"I always have a problem with your seat." He said adjusting the seat.

"It's not my fault you're a giant." I rolled my eyes. He chuckled and sparked the car. After a while of driving, we finally got to his house.

"Wanna come in?" He asked me.


We both got down and he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You know, I would have preferred if you were a gentleman like this at first." I commented.

"You know, I would have also preferred if you were not a stammerer." He said pulling me more to him making my hands touch his chest.

"I'm not a stammerer!" I pouted and we entered the house. Mrs Demen received us with a huge grin on her face.

"I've never seen you two like this..what happened? Did you two ki-"

"Mom!" Nathaniel whined blushing as he glared at his mom who just smirked. The aroma of pie was filled in the air because she might have been be baking.

"How come you two are drenched?" She asked and we blushed more and she must have realised because her smirk was getting wider.

"Anyway I'll get you two some pie." She went to the kitchen and brought a plate of the mouth watering pie she was cooking.

"Thanks mom." Nathaniel said as he took the plate from her hand and gripped my wrist and dragged me to his room.

We both sat at the end of the bed and began to eat the delicious pie with us conversing. Shyly, I took a piece of the pie and moved it to his mouth. He smirked before he open it and ate it and bit my finger.

"Ow!" I groaned pouting.

"You look so enticing when you pout." He said and my face flushed. He also fed me some piece of pie and I totally forgot to bite his hand since I couldn't forget what he said.

He stared at me (specifically at my lips) for a while and he leaned down and attached his lips with mine and just as he began to bite and suck Daisy opened the door.

"Mmmh..what's going on her?" Daisy giggled and Nathaniel groaned glaring at her.

"Dai..um..Daisy come for some pie." I managed to say. She came inside and sat between us making Nathaniel groan more louder and glare more harder.

I fed her a few pies as we chatted about her school stuff and all that and I was sure she wasn't aware of the daggers Nathaniel was throwing at her.

"Daisy won't you go to bed?" Nathaniel gritted obviously annoyed.

"No, it's okay, have more pie." I said trying to shove more into her full mouth. I really felt nervous to be left alone with Nathaniel.

"Imfurr." She muffled."Barr! I neef to sleep." She added and began to leave the room.

"Don't forget to brush your teeth," Nathaniel said behind her and she left the room.

"Finally she's gone," Nathaniel sighed and looked at me."Where were we?" He asked.

"Um..actually we were in the hall.'' I said he chuckled wrapping his hands around my waist.

"I mean before Daisy came here." He said bringing his face closer to mine making our lips inches apart.

"Um.." I stammered feeling my cheeks heat up a bit. He smirked at me and gently brushed his lips with mine before breaking away.

"I..I think..I should go." I stuttered and we both stood up as he escorted me downstairs.

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