Ch. 13

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(Sorry for the delay, I've been fairly busy these past few weeks. Also I went with LordMatthaios comment, Host of Kronos title.)

*Enjoy* = someone texting!

(Thanks to my beta reader Qwityboy!)


"Got it," stated Hestia, with a huff. "Was that really the best you could do?" She asked as we walked through Olympus.

I felt my lips twitch. I maybe could have worded that better. Or at least added an extra message to it. But watching Hestia complain about it as we walked was making it difficult to keep a straight face.

Seeming to sense my amusement, Hestia snapped her head towards me and grabbed my shoulder. The teleporting was a little disorienting but overall an okay experience. It felt a little like when I used the pearl to leave the underworld. Warmer though.

Taking a look around I noticed that I was in a large spacious room with a fireplace, white leather couches, tables, and a tv on the wall.

"This is my living room," said Hestia as she sat down on one of the couches.

"Where are we," I asked curiously.

"My palace on Olympus," said Hestia as she watched me. She watched me for a few moments as I took in my surroundings then started speaking.

"We have some time before you need to return the lightning bolt," said Hestia gesturing me to sit down. "And I would like to talk about how to prove Ares was the thief," she said as she waved her hand.

A fried chicken sandwich appeared in both our hands.

"I figured you would be hungry," mumbled Hestia while looking away at her own sandwich.

"So, what's the plan?" I questioned, as I took a bite of my sandwich.

"Well for one, I won't be going in the throne room with you." Hestia said as she ate.

"Hmm..." I hummed. "Any particular reason?" I asked with a raised brow.

" longer have a seat there. I had given it up for Dionysus. I of course could sit next to the hearth in the throne room, but..." she trailed off.

"What?" I questioned.

"It was boring. I have been invisible to them for the past couple of centuries, and there are never any new topics other than some gossip. Not only that. All anyone ever does is argue. I swear they're worse than children." ranted Hestia as she paced angrily around the room, food forgotten.

"That bad huh." I winced.

Hestia sat back down with a huff saying. "Most of the meetings are about which woman Zeus cheated on Hera with."

"I... see." I awkwardly reply. That was not what I thought gods would converse about.

Hestia smirked at me for a moment then continued. "Enough about that, Once you go into the throne room all you have to do is swear on the Styx that Ares gave you the bolt and you are not the thief."

I stare at her blankly for a moment. "That's it."

"Yes," said Hestia as she nodded her head.

"Then why did we come here?" I asked her.

"No reason." Hestia said quickly, looking away. "Besides, the bolt is due within the next 10 minutes, We need to get going." she said as she stood up.

Sighing I stood up. Here we go again. I thought, as she was Putting her hand on my shoulder, and teleported us to the doors of the throne room.

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