Chapter fourteen: Thor (Kinda)

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Hey... Yeah... I know... I'm really late... Sorry about that... Ha ha ha... Um, so, April and May... and halfway June, are actually my busiest months within the year. After this update, I will also be taking a trip to Korea and Japan, but don't fret, the next update will be at the end of July. Thank you all for sticking with me since the beginning and putting up with my hiatus. I hope you all enjoy this chapter!



The site looked like the aftermath of a war zone. The smoldering wreckage of one SHIELD vehicle lies strewn about. The Destroyer stood stiffly amidst the "battle" between it and the mortals.

It was lost for words. Within a few minutes upon landing in Midgard, those mean mortals not only shot at it with pellets but also made it defy the orders of its king. How else was it going to explain to the regent of the car it had accidentally blown up?

The magical armor felt very wronged. It was not meant to be used this way.

"Son of Coul!"

The Avengers made their entrance in a dramatic fashion.

Thor was the first to jump out from the helicopter. The moment he spots the Destroyer, however, he froze.

The helicopter landed smoothly and out hopped Captain America, Black Widow, Iron Man, Hawkeye, and Bruce Banner.

Steve saw the Destroyer in all its metal glory. He eyes it warily.


Immediately, in one swift movement, the team of heroes readied themselves.

The Destroyer, in turn, gathered its bearings as it sees Thor.


The moment Steve gave this order, a blast of energy flew toward the team. The Destroyer's eyes were locked strictly on the God of Thunder.

The Avengers charged.


In the shared chambers of the King and Queen, Odin lies asleep.

Besides the golden bed, a table and a couple of chairs had been moved there to provide a space to Host a tea party.

Fandral sat there stiffly, his hands stuffed with a decorative teacup and some cookies offered by the Allmother. He continued to accept them, as not to be rude but felt very uncomfortable. This was the woman who had raised Loki, after all.

Frigga was very kind to him and in her presence, Fandral all but threw the image of a strong and manly warrior into the wind. If only his friends could see him now, dressed in armor, eating cookies with the Queen. He didn't know if he should laugh or cry.


Townspeople filled the streets, staring at the fight from a safe distance.

Jane, Selvig, Darcy, and Hogun and Volstagg had been running down the street, arriving at the Bifrost site the moment the Asgardians sensed the Destroyer's presence.


Jane called out to the golden prince.

Thor spotted her amidst the fight.

"Keep it distracted!" Thor called after grappling with the metal armor. He had already realized that the target of the weapon was him.

He gave a swift kick and escaped the Destroyer, rushing over to Jane and the others.

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