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I am debating on wether or not I should publish this story once I'm finished, let me know your opinions please!!

The moon had come and gone with a promise of new life in their territory. Four days prior, she had gone on a hunt with two of her wolves, and had gotten a new scent in the area. Whatever it was had chosen to linger, she wasn't too worried, because it hadn't caused her any obvious concern.

The youngest of the pups were beginning to walk and romp around, and she was delighted to see them thriving.

Those that had been at her knees last moon were now standing hip level and even more lanky than ever, but she knew with time they'd fill out like their parents into strong members of the pack.

The injuries she had sustained during the fight with the lion had left her flesh ridged and puckered. A small infection, but nothing like the one on her leg which was gradually getting better still.

With life springing about, and foliage becoming abundant, she knew the promise for more prey was high, and the pack would take every advantage of it that they could.

Today was a lazy day, she spent the better part of the first light wrestling with the young wolves, both in her two leg form and her wolf.

In all aspects it was great, but she was missing something, and that something left an annoying ache in her body, one that with every run, every hunt, became worse.

Four moons ago she would never had considered taking a mate, but with Damien it felt different, his being called to her in ways she wasn't aware were possible. But she understood they were from different worlds, ones that weren't meant to mix.

Loud calls from her scouts had every wolf on alert, they were calls for assistance. The pups went with Shirak, and her males flanked to her sides. She didn't want to risk shifting completely as she was still healing, so her claws and teeth were the only parts to extend past their normal point.

She and her wolves followed the cries for help. The scents had hit her once she was within the radius, it was another pack, wanting to claim her lands, and so far she was losing them. Her wolves went into the fray, and she stayed on the outskirts looking for their alpha wolf.

He, for it was most certainly a male, was easy to spot. His fur was patchy and mottled, one ear had been torn off and his face was a mess of scars, she was certain one eye was blind. He knew how to thrive in this world, like she did. He was also larger than she was when she was her wolf, ao taking him down would be difficult on two legs instead of her preferred four.

These wolves were vicious, nothing like she had ever experienced before, soon all of her wolves surrendered and it was her and their Alpha to fight it out.

It was an obvious challenge for her, their piwer was equal, but he had a stronger pack, one built to fight, to destroy, to steal from others.

He shifted into his twoleg body to match her.

A formidable female you are, so beautiful and ripe for the picking my dear.

She had no idea what he was saying, just that his voice was high and harsh compared to Damien's melodic voice. She cocked ger head at him as if she were her wolf. He seemed to understand.

"So, you truly are a feral one, born to be wild," this time she knew exactly what he was saying.

"I don't understand," she told him, the word feral was a new word for her, one tgat even for him sounded strange in their tongue.

"You were born into a pack and left with them to thrive," he replied.

"Yes," his prodding interested her, but they had no time for that.

"I could make you mine, shewolf, your beauty is rivaled by none and your power is likewise. We'd be unstoppable," that thought had a sour punch to it, one that stung angrily in her throat. This wolf had no appeal for her. He was a seasoned wolf, and like his wolf form his body was riddled with scars, his face was a mottled mess of flesh, he stood shorter than Damien, but exuded more power than him.

"What if I refuse?" She asked.

"I shall simply kill your pack and leave you on the brink of life to either die or suffer," she knew he was serious, this was how packs worked. He didn't want her territory though, he wanted to create more killers, and use her potentially for a broodmate.

She would fight before he'd wipe them out.

"If you win you kill me take my pack, I won't let you kill them. If you lose, I take your pack and kill you," the request was simple enough, she would not take him into her pack, he would destroy it from the inside out, he would have to die if she won.

"You're smart, very well then, we have a deal," his claws and teeth elongated to match hers, his eyes turning from their gray to an unyielding golden color. She knew if he wasn't careful he could lose his instincts to his primal nature. It had taken so many moons for her to become one whole of two separate entities, and even in his experience she knew his being was still two halves. That was where she had the upper hand.

It seemed that the whole area waited with bated breath for them to attack each other, she wanted to wait and see his first move, which came quick enough. His lunge was clumsy and she side-stepped, allowing him to tumble into the forest floor.

She attacked next swiping her hands at his torso, catching him off guard before she took another shot at his throat, but he caught her and pulled her towards him.

"You know nothing of humanity little shewolf, it shows," he growled in her ear. "They would destroy you, but together we can destroy them," he said before he landed a punch to her gut, knocking the air from her lungs.

She had no reply other than putting all effort in her next attack through biting and scratching, she was a whirlwind of tooth and nail. He fought back just as hard. It took one crushing blow to her still healing leg to bring her down and his hand curled at her throat.

This was it, she knew it, he had no intention of keeping the deal, she coulc tell by the gleam in his golden eyes. Her wolves howled and fought to get away from their opponents, but it was no use, echoes of necks snapping sounded all around her and something inside her just broke.

"You chose their deaths when you decided to become Alpha, feral wolves don't belong in our world," his clawed hands dug into her throat before throwing her onto the ground. "Now you are nothing, you had a choice, but you chose wrong" those were his last words to her before he called his pack to him, leaving.

She crawled her way back to their den. A wolf had been here too, all of the pups lay dead and Shirak with them. She'd done her best to defend them, but her last snarl was frozen on her muzzle.

Blood was seeping slowly from her throat, and she accepted the inevitably of her death.


I love me too. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I certainly enjoyed writing it.

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