Part 5

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I offered to help Mrs. Amber with the dishes as she told me about Andi's coming out story.

It was quite sad to listen too.

To think that your family, who is suppose to love you no matter what, would turn their back on you in your most vulnerable state. That's something that can never be fixed. He will have to deal with that his whole life. Then to think that asshole of a person used to be friends with Andi.

I wasn't homophobic at all. Heck...I even had a crush on Andi-which I didn't know when I had developed crush on him. I don't know how it happened to be honest. I just always found myself staring at him and blushing madly when he caught me. I tried to be a bit more funny hoping he would like me more.

I don't know, it was just the little things I did to make him notice me.

I felt a pat on my back so I turned around only to see Ms. Amber.

"Thanks so much! Your a really good friend for being there for Andi even when I outed him accidentally." Ms. Amber laced with sadness taking over her features. "No problem! It was probably hard for him to be open about it at first." I shared.

I don't like hiding things from people. I always share what's on my mind even if it might not have been appropriate at that time but I don't care. People need be told the right things at the right time, whether it's nice or rude.

I slowly crept to Andy's room and knocked softly on the door. "I know he left, don't try to comfort me!" He muffled probably from having his face in his pillow. Instead of knocking again I opened the door cautiously. "I said leave me alone!" He straightened up staring at me with wide red stress lines in his eyes and a tear carefully racing down his cheek making sure I saw it.

Instead of talking I just went to the side of is bed sat down comfortablely and hugged him sincerely. "W-What are you d-doing Cole?" he croaked. "I'm helping you to not lose your dignity. You're the first friend I've ever had. So I'm not going anywhere without good reason too." I stated as he chuckled and pulled himself away from me. Staring into my hazel-green eyes. "Your eyes look green." He says giving me me a small soft smile. "They change colors by reflecting off of colored surfaces." I smartly smirked. He laughed and sighed relieved that I had not left him. "You don't care I'm gay right?" He reassured cocking an eyebrow. I shook my head 'no' smiling brightly.

After our bonding friendship moment we played a few games and of course I beat his ass in them.

When the games got too boring and we both started yawning profusely. We cleaned up our gaming station and got ready for bed.

I grabbed some clothes from my bag and went to the bathroom to change into my pajamas.

I was always scared of showing people my body. I was extremely malnourished due to my moms paycheck and also not wanting to eat a lot. So when I changed in front of people I could feel there eyes on me talking about how skinny I was and how I had no muscles. It made me feel insecure.

I got changed in some sweats with a big t-shirt.

As I tutted back in the room I sensed a mood change. I turned my attention to Andi and his eyes had saddened. "Are you okay Andi?" I asked worriedly. "I thought you said you didn't mind that I was gay!" His eyes became watery. "I don't!" I pleaded with him, confused as to why he would think that.

Wait! I remember going into the bathroom to change.

I facepalmed myself.

"Then why did you go to the bathroom to change, I'm not a pervert or anything?" He whispered. "Oh t-that. Well you see I'm kind of uncomfortable changing in front if people. I don't like my body." I looked away explaining as I blushed from embarrassment feeling small. "Oh. Well don't be. I won't make fun of you. I'm your best friend after all." He joked, but I could tell he was being serious underneath those chuckles. "O-Okay" I stammered making my bed on the floor.

I pulled out a sleeping bag from my backpack as I laid it on the carpet. "You can come sleep on my bed if you want. I know it's probably uncomfortable sleeping on the floor." He hesentily sighed as I was shifting uncontrollably on the ground. "Oh. . .okay. I usually sleep on the floor at my house. But it would be a nice change." I whispered standing and stalking over to Andi's bed.

I made my way to is bed and laid down on it.

It felt so soft and warm.

It was inviting like a open home with a traditional family around the fire reading old folks tales and laughing at bad dad jokes.

It was way better than my rough carpet with a thin sheet draped over it back at my house. "This bed is so soft!" I squealed quietly. Andi just chuckled at my words and put an arm around me like I was a body pillow. It wasn't bad though it made my heart jump and beat faster making me feel warmer in the thick blankets as I closed my eyes falling peacefully into a deep sleep.

I wake up the next morning feeling something hard and squishy underneath me. I opened my eyes slowly as to not get blinded by the sun light. My eyes find a sleeping Andi snoring softly snuggled around me. I got off of him feeling embarrassed in this kind of position but I didn't take my eyes off of him. He was like a true god. He messy dirty blonde locks. His eye lids closed and facial features relaxed as if nothing was ever wrong in the first place.

It was truly peaceful.

As I made my way off him he grabbed my arm and put it up to his face. Then took my pointer finger and bit it, putting it in his mouth and licking in between my fingers. I let out a moan then quickly put my hand hand over my mouth. Andi just smirks letting go of my hand and leading his hands to my shirt. I shivered and tensed up as Andi slid his hands up my shirt touching my skin. I let out a shaky breath as he stopped right at my nipple. He brushed over it with his fingers as I let out a breath of air and squeezed my eyes shut.

I was starting to get hard and I know Andi could feel that too.

I was always sensitive but never like this!

He took both his hands from my side's and eased them slowly up to my face. He cupped is hands on my cheeks and kissed me passionately with sincerity.

My mind was in a daze. It was getting heated pretty quickly and I blushed profusely. He kneed my bulge softly moving is leg up and down in a steady motion.

I gasped once feeling the pressure as he took this opportunity to put his tongue in my mouth. He was in total control tasting every inch of my mouth.

He pushed away slightly breathing heavily. He looked back at me with his dark ocean blue eyes filled with lust. "Cole," he whispered softly.

He brought is hand down further under the covers until he reached my sweats, putting his hand in my sweats tugging at my boxers. Then suddenly his whole hand was in my pants and I was surrounded by warmth. I flinched as his fingers brushed against my cock.

I let out a whimper of pleasure that was unknown to me.

It was really good, too good actually!

I've never felt the need to jerk off even if I had morning wood. It wasn't something that I found pleasure in.

So why was this so good?

My eyes slowly opened stopping my dreams instantly. I smiled and felt Andi tugging at my shoulders worriedly. "Cole are you okay?" He asked full of curiosity.

I blinked for a moment before nodding slightly and taking in his sexy groggily voice. The sun was shining through the window. It felt amazing and it was so comfortable with warmth flowing over all my senses.

I looked at Andi who was frowning. "What's up?" I looked at him confused. "You were mumbling in your sleep." He whispered in my ear.

I moan quietly remembering my dream as I felt heat upon my cheeks.

I can't believe I had that kind of dream!

I took the covers off of my body and the warm heat left. Andi gasp loudly covering his mouth with his hand.

I had a 'what' look on my face as he pointed his finger down. Slowly bringing my head down to see my crotch, sure enough there was a big bulge making my sweats come to a point.

I looked at him blushing profusely as he looked at my crotch smirking.

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