Chapter 26 - The risk

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Four months later

Mira's POV

I was stroking my bump, smiling happily while my twins were kicking me. They were so active today.

I was eight months pregnant now. We were having twin boys. I couldn't wait to hold my little boys in my arms.

Draco was so affectionate and protective towards me, making me fall in love with him again and again.

I was waiting for Draco to go to my doctor appointment. He had to sign some paperwork at work. I called him a few minutes ago. He told me he was on the way.

"Angel." He gave me a wide smile as he walked in.

I beamed at him as I approached him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and planted a soft kiss on my lips. Then he caressed my swollen bump.

"How are my boys?" He asked, resting his hand on my bump.

"Probably, there is a fight inside my stomach. Because they keep kicking me." I replied, amused and rested my hand on top of his hand on my stomach.

He chuckled and leaned his head against my stomach.

"Hey there, don't fight with each other!" He ordered playfully.

I grinned, stroking his hair gently.

Then he straightened and asked. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, I will just grab my bag. Then we can leave." I replied.

He placed his hand on my back protectively as he headed us towards the taxi. He helped me to get in the taxi. Then he got in the taxi and held my hand, giving me a charming smile. He brought my hand towards his lips and planted a soft kiss on top of my hand. I gave him a radiant smile and leaned my head on his shoulder. He placed a tender kiss on my hair and rested our entwined hands on his thigh.

Draco helped me to lie down. I pulled my shirt up and held Draco's hand. The doctor put some gel on my stomach and started spreading it with a wand.

When I looked at Draco, he was staring at the screen attentively, his eyes shining with happiness while he was grinning at me in joy.

"Are they okay?" I asked as the doctor hadn't said anything for more than ten minutes while she was still checking up on me, looking at the screen with a serious expression.

"Umm...There is premature birth risk." She replied seriously.

"What?" I asked in worry and looked at Draco anxiously.

Draco's expression changed. There was worry and fear in his eyes.

"Don't worry. Premature birth occurs more frequently in twin pregnancies. You just need to be more careful. Avoid stress, get hydrated and rest as much as possible." The doctor informed.

"Yes, she will." Draco replied instantly, squeezing my hand tightly with a serious expression on his face.

After leaving the hospital, Draco invited me for lunch.

I was looking through the window, lost in my thoughts while resting my hand on my bump protectively. As much as the doctor tried to assure me that there was nothing to worry about it for now, I still felt worried.

"Don't worry, Mira." Draco said softly, interrupting my thoughts and placed his hand on top of my hand on my stomach. "Nothing will happen to our little ones." He gave me a reassuring smile. I forced a smile.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his chest and stroked my bump gently. I smiled and leaned my head against his shoulder.

I was picking at my food. I didn't have an appetite.

Draco sighed sadly as he looked at me.

"Mira, if you don't eat yourself, I will feed you myself." Draco said firmly.

"I don't have an appetite." I murmured.

He took a piece of the steak and extended the fork towards me.

"Open your mouth, angel." He demanded, giving me a boyish smile.

I smiled and opened my mouth.

He made me eat all my food saying it was the last one for more than ten times, giving me his charming smile every time he extended the fork towards me.

After lunch, we went strolling at the park, holding each other's hand. I felt better now. Thanks to my affectionate and caring husband. He perfectly knew how to make me happy.


Since the last check up, Draco hadn't left me alone for a second. When he had to go to work, Rose stayed with me. He gave her bossy and detailed instructions: when I should take a rest, how long I could stand, how much I should eat. He told her that if I didn't listen to Rose, she called him.

If it was in his hands, he wouldn't even let me leave my bed. If I didn't listen to him, he would force me to obey him in a total businessman manner. He was so persuasive, bossy, determined and stubborn.

I was bored with staying home. So Rose suggested that I have lunch at the restaurant. I gladly accepted. But convincing Draco was really hard. As he could not resist two stubborn women, he accepted in a condition that we should keep him informed of what we were doing every twenty minutes.

When we walked into the restaurant, we came across my father, David and Richard.

As my father saw me, he clenched his fist, giving me a blazing look. Meanwhile, Richard was staring at my swollen bump.

"Dad." I murmured, giving him a begging look.

He averted his gaze. When he wanted to leave, I grabbed his arm, stopping him.

"Please, Dad." I pleaded as my eyes welled up.

He sighed as he turned around and faced me. I pulled my hand as he gave me an intimidating glare.

"What do you want?" He almost barked.

"Dad, please. Forgive me. We..."

He raised his hand in the air, cutting me off.

"I don't want to hear anything from you. You are a disgrace for our family. Nothing more." He said coldly and stormed out without letting me say anything.

I burst out crying. He would never forgive me. As much as my mother tried to convince him that it wasn't our fault, he didn't change his mind. He was still mad at Draco and me.

David approached me, giving me a compassionate look.

"Shh. Calm down. It isn't good for your state." David said softly.

Suddenly, I felt sharp pain in my stomach.

"Ahh." I screamed in pain as I felt another sharp pain and placed my hand on my bump.

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