Panic room

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Once Chase was gone i smile, nothing could keep her from me anymore. I pull her close and hold her tightly kissing her neck softly, "oh how i missed you" i whisper softly to her with a smile carved in my lips unable to be removed

She stands frozen in fear as her hands shake as she tries to break her frozen state, "p-please.... can't i just have a normal life" she begs her voice trembling

I feel rage and frustration build up inside me from her words, "all ive been doing is for you!" I yell letting my anger get the best of me, as i pull away from her and grip her shoulders tightly ready to break them, "everything has been to protect you!" I yell

She steps back in fear, "A-Anti i.... i simply want..... to live a..... normal.... life" she stutters quietly barely able to form a sentence

"Life is never normal when you arent human y/n!" I yell in anger

"Well i am! So it should be normal for me!" She yells back but her voice is shaky and cracking

I realize i had almost let it slip my lips but i close my mouth as i grip my fists tightly i simply wanted to protect her, for her to see how much i cared for her and loved her. I was now realizing she would never love me even if i died for her. I raise my fist and she flinches as her shaking becomes more intense

I lower my fist and walk away refusing to look at her, "if you'd be happy anywhere but with me than just say it and I'll give you that" i say still gripping my fists with my back turned towards her

She stays silent for a moment sparking hope in me, "i would..." she says softly I desperately wanted to hear that simple one word that would change it the simple 'i would... but', but that third word never crossed her lips.

I feel a sharp pain in my chest and feel as if my lungs are being crushed making it hard to breathe, "alright... I'll give you a few things for your travel, theres a house.... where another ego lives who can take you back to your home find him and he'll help you" i say softly as i turn around and quickly walk past her, "you'll want things to hide, a hooded cloak will help cover your face but also a plain black bandanna to help, and a pair of boots good for walking long distances" i say as i rummage through some drawers and a closet i grab a small bag and put some food in it along with two full canteens.

I hand her a black tank top, black slim fit jeans, black combat boots, an all black bandanna and finally the black cloak and bag. She puts the bag on and then the cloak over everything to hide the bag, "why are you doing this?" She asks intrigued

"Because..." i pause desperately wanting to tell her i loved her but i knew i would be showing to much of myself to her, "i know you need me, and i know you'll come back" i lie with a simple shrug.

I give her the direction to go from the house and she leaves not even muttering a single goodbye, "goodbye my sweet angel" i whisper softly to myself as she slams the door

I close the door feeling a bit of freedom hit me as i quickly begin to dash towards the middle of town which was a large circle with a huge water fountain in the middle of it.

I saw Chase and smiled brightly as i ran up to him, "Chase! Hey i need your help" i say as i catch up to him

"Y/n!" he says quietly but startled, "what do you need?"

"I need to find someone who can help get me back to my home" i whisper softly

"Oh!" He says intrigued, "well Dark and Anti have the same boss but they dont get along perfectly so if helping you will mess with Anti than im sure he'll help you get back home" Chase says with s soft smile, he gently takes my hand and begins walking me to Dark's home

"Thank you so much!" I say happily, "so hows your family? Do you get to see the kids soon?" I ask sweetly

He nods happily, "yep Stacy is letting me see them next month and im so excited for it" he says excitedly

"That sounds amazing!" I say with a bright smile i was so happy for him

We walk for a few kilometers and before i now it we're at Dark's home. I honestly didnt want to see him but Chase said he could help.

We knock on the door and we are quickly greeted with the grey suited man, "may i help you?" He asks confused

"Look i need help getting home so i can get away from Anti and im sorry about ya know trying to punch the shit out of you and all but Chase said since you and Anti arent on perfect terms you might help me since you kind of want to make him suffer, i thought maybe helping me would upset him, ya know?" I say fidgiting slightly, worrying he wont help

"of course! i'd love to help but only if you can help me in return" he answers with an open smile, "please come in, sit down, i'll make us something to drink" he says as he moves to the side to allow me into his home.

it was beautiful! his house reminded me of those fancy houses that millionaires have that have those crazy glass chandeliers with the spiral staircases, it looked so fancy. his house was slightly intimidating though, so i decided to follow him into the kitchen. Chase did not follow though, he had something important to do so he left and did not come in with me. i felt slightly unsafe without Chase here with me but i was able to keep myself calm.

Dark seems to notice Chase wasn't coming in and his welcoming exterier changed, "so, now that its just the two of us i can tell you the truth. For some reason that i will not explain, Anti loves you dearly and wants to protect you." he says with a shrug, "So naturally what i want is for him to suffer and hearing you screaming in pain seems to be the only thing he hates the most" he continues

"but Anti beats the shit out of me how could he want me to be safe when he causes me harm" i say confused

"well see Anti doesn't really understand emotions that well, he's like a child in some ways, even though he hates seeing you in pain he gets angry with you and can't control his rage" Dark explains, "so as i was saying im not gonna take you back to your home, if i did he could easily just see you again, instead i'll have you stay here, with me"

"No" i say balling up my fist, "im going home!" i demand

"well thats not really a choice because i kind of need you, just so i can prove to Anti you really aren't worth all the trouble" he says as he quickly grabs my wrists before i can react and twists them behind my back before pushing me to the ground shoving his foot into my back and pressing on my hands before using zip ties to cuff my wrists and legs, "see you seem like a lovely woman but you're getting in the way" he adds before i feel a sharp pain in my skull and everything goes black.

Lonely lovers (Antisepticeye x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن