Point of No Return

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*I skipped a little bit because I felt like Eden would fix those situations pretty quickly so there's not much to write one them anyway....Here you go*

Eden's POV*

"The Apocalypse is commencing as planned." Michael said sadly. "No no no you said you would stop it!" I said desperately. We were inside my dream talking. This couldn't happen! I needed more time to make sure everything was in place. "No Eden I swore to you I wouldn't go picking a fight and I didn't... I told you that if Lucifer made a power play I would retaliate. He released the four horseman Eden! now you an the Winchesters have done well stopping their havok so far but this is just the beginning... Lucifer won't stop until he's destroyed everything our father created. There is nothing I can do... Truly I'm sorry. You know I do not want to do this." I know he's sorry. I know the last thing he wants is to kill his brother. I know that he did keep his promise. In my head I know that he is right. I understand that he is acting as the current leader of Heaven  not just a brother. I do understand truly but that doesn't make it any less hard. "I understand. and I do not blame you for any of this. I just need more time... Please brother." I begged. Michaels eyes softened. "Dean is not my only vessel. When I find a vessel the battle will begin. That gives you some time to find a way out of this. It is my destiny to fight this fight. Ever since you died this has been my one goal. And I hope more than anything you can stop it. But I WILL continue. No matter how much I dislike it." I nodded my head. "Neither of you will die brother...I promise." I never ever break a promise.

I shot awake in my chair. We were doing research because Dean was on some suicide mission. He was ready to say yes to Michael. That couldn't happen I needed more time. I was woken up by my head hurting. I looked over and Cas was grabbing his head too. Dean came over to me and grabbed my shoulders, "You alright?" I shook my head. "No... something's happening." Cas took off to go investigate. I was about to follow but dean grabbed my shoulders, "Nah ah not you you get to stay here." Dean said pushing me back down onto the chair. "Cas could be in trouble." Dean just shook his head and went to grab a beer.

Not even a few minutes later Cas appeared with someone. "Help!" Cas yelled. "Boys!" Bobby yelled. I flew over to the boy Cas brought in. He was filthy and smelled like death. When the winchesters reached the room the stared in awe at the boy. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's our brother." Sam replied. apparently his name was Adam. He was John's son and their half brother. He was also supposed to be dead. Apparently the Angels wanted him alive. Which is not good. So Cas put marks on his ribs so he couldn't be tracked. With the sudden pain Adam shot up. "Where am I? Who are you." Adam asked frantically. "Well.. it's a little... a lot crazy but... We're actually your brothers. John Winchester's our father too. See i'm Dean-" "Yeah and I'm sure thats Sam... I know who you are. They warned me about you! The angels. Now where the Hell is Zachariah?!?!" Adam yelled. Oh no that's not good. If Zach got to him that is very not good. He needed to trust us. "Hey Adam...It's Adam right?" I smiled at him. He turned to me and stared at me for a few seconds before nodding. "Well Adam. I'm Eden. Why don't we get you a shower and some new clothes... no offense but you kinda smell like death." I smiled when he gave a small laugh at my joke. "Common I'll show you where the show is and the boys can fix you something to eat. I'm sure your starving. Coming back from the dead can take a lot outta ya. Trust me I should know." He smiled and nodded at me. Well this will be easier than I thought.

  After Adam was all cleaned up and fed we were back in bobby's living room. "Why don't we start from the beginning?" Dean said. "Well I was dead. And in Heaven except it kinda looked like my prom. I was making out with this girl her name was Christine Mcgee." Adam started. "Yeah that sounds like heaven.. did you get to third base?" Dean asked. I shot him an Are you serious right now? Look and he just mouthed sorry and shrugged his shoulders. "Well these angels popped outta nowhere and told me I'm chosen... to save the world. Me and some archangel are gonna kill the devil. You know Michael. I'm his sword." NO NO NO "CRAP!" I panicked. Dean who was super confused asked me "What?" I looked at him. "I didn't think much of it before..." I said. "Think much of what Eddie?" Dean asked. After a long pause I spoke "...Michael said their was another vessel... It's a bloodline thing so since Adam is your brother and is now up and at em..." I said allowing them to put it together. "You know this has been a real fun family reunion but I got a thing so...." Adam said getting up. "SIT DOWN!" I hissed letting my eyes glow blue. He sat down immediately and was terrified. "Listen my brothers want to roast half the planet. THAT CAN'T HAPPEN so we're working on something else." I said. I need more time. I still need more time. Adam can't say yes. "Great what's the plan?" Adam said sarcastically. "We'll we're working on the power of love." Dean replied. "How's that going." Adam asked. "MMM not good." Dean smiled sarcastically. "Listen Adam I just need some time. Please." I said. "Why should I? Give me one good reason." Adam replied. "Because we're blood."  Sam responded. "You have no right to say that to me." Adam spat. "You're still John's boy-" Bobby started but was cut off by Adam. "John Winchester was a guy who took me to a baseball game once a year. I don't have a dad. So we may be blood but we aren't family! Now my mom she's my family. and if I do this I get to see her again. SO NO OFFENCE BUT SHE'S THE ONE I GIVE A RATS ASS ABOUT NOT YOU!" They all nodded their heads. Then I stepped forward. "Listen Adam... you trust the angels because... well their angels. We'll hi nice to meet you I'm the goddess of creation. Heir to Heaven. The only one above me is my father God." He sat in shock staring at me. "I have one request for you Adam. All I ask is you give me time. Just a little. So that I can stop my brothers from killing each other and save my planet. Please.....They're my family. Just....give me time to save them." I begged. He thought for a moment and then nodded. "You'll get your time." He said and I smiled at him. OH THANK DAD THAT WORKED. 

DEAN ESCAPED. He blasted Cas to Heaven and bailed. Now thanks to the warding on Dean's ribs I CAN'T TRACK HIM. Great just great. Eventually I found him. Cas beat me to is and beat the holy hell out of Dean. He brought him back and explained why he did it while I healed Dean"I rebelled for him Eden. I gave up everything and he just wants to surrender to them." Now Adam is gone. the angels must have him. Damn these flight risks are exhausting. Can't a goddess catch a break. 

We found where Adam was. Zachariah had him locked in some room. I have no doubt he was using Adam as bait to get Dean to say yes to Dean. "There are at least five angels in there." Cas said. "I'll take care of them you all just get Adam and get the hell out." I said. "Eden you are still weak from hell. Smiting five angels is really gonna take it outta ya." Sam said. "Well than I would move fast if I were you." I smiled and entered the old warehouse. One after another my brothers and sisters appeared. "Hello brothers and sisters. I am sorry." I smiled at each of them. I held up my hand and snapped my fingers. Thus smiting them all in seconds. My vision began to grow dark and I fell to the ground with exhaustion. Then everything faded to black.


I woke up on Bobby's couch. Sam and Dean were all safe. Dean resisted and killed Zachariah. Adam however... lets just say michael got to him first. There is hope though. I may not have much time left to do what I have to do but... Dean resisted. Sam and Dean picked each other again. I wish my brothers could take a page from their book. But there is hope. My mission will be complete. I made a promise to Michael and I intend to keep it. Neither of my brothers are going to die...I won't let them. I never break a promise.

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