chapter 11

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Nico's point of veiw

She's so beautiful I don't know how to put it in words. I can tell she doesn't think she's pretty because of the way she shyly looks at the ground. But her eyes are so amazing. Their like a forest you could get lost in so fast. Their so big and dark and I can see the hopefulness in them. You can tell alot about a person through their eyes, what they've been through, and what they feel. Maya has been through a lot which is why her eyes are so dark, but you can see that she has a small amount of hope left and that she is scared. When I touched her cheek she jumped away which made me kinda sad. It probably has to do with her past.

I remember my parents told me she's been to other foster homes before coming here. I remember when her mom died she moved away and I never saw her again. That was the saddest day of my life. She didn't even say goodbye to me. The only reason I knew she moved was because when I went to her house some strangers answered the door. I was so happy when my parents told me she was moving in with us. I missed her so much.

My best friend is finally back but she's not the same person she used to be at all. She's different but I don't know how to explain it. She used to be so outgoing and happy. Now she's shy and a bit insecure and there's just this darkness hovering over her. I know it's probably because of her past, but I just hate that she's like this.

I wanna help her not out of pity, but because she's my best friend and I love her. I love her so fucking much that I would get into a fight for her. I love her so much that I would get in trouble for her. I love her so much I would do anything for her.

If someone ever hurt her I would be really angry. I never want to see her hurt. Anyone who ever hurts her will wish they never had come near her. I can tell she's been hurt before though and it pains me that someone would ever hurt her. All I want to do is to end whoever made her feel that way.


I wake up in the middle of the night because I hear something downstairs. My parents aren't home because their on a business trip which makes things even scarier. What if there's a serial killer downstairs and they have Maya? I quickly run downstairs at the thought of Maya being hurt.

I see someone going through our fridge and when I walk closer they don't seem to hear me. I grab a spatchala that's on the table next to me as I start running to the serial killer that's going through my fridge. I scream and start hitting the serial killer with a spatchula thinking that I could beat them with it. The serial killer turns around and is yelling at me to stop. I finally look at the serial killer and notice its Maya.

"Why are you hitting me with a spatchula!?" She questions me.

"I thought you were a serial killer." I say casually while putting the spatchula back.

"Why would a serial killer be going through the fridge?"

"Maybe their hungry."

"If a serial killer comes to your house their probably coming to kill you, not looking for food in your fridge."

"You never know." I shrug.

She shakes her head seeming annoyed. "How did you even plan on attacking the serial killer with a spatchula?"

"I don't know. I was gonna grab a knife, but I didn't want the serial killer to use it against me."

"So you almost killed me!"

"Almost, maybe I should've used a knife instead." I say while chuckling and her mouth drops open. "I'm joking."

"And I thought you actually grew up."

"Whatever. What are you doing down here any way?"

"I couldn't sleep so I went for a run and then I came back and I was hungry."

"You went for a run at night!?"

"Ya, whenever I can't sleep I go for a run."

"At night?"

"Am I supposed to sleep during the day? What's wrong with running at night?"

"First off it's pitch black and you can't see anything. What if you fell or ran off a cliff? Second off there's a lot of people that do bad shit at night. Like what if someone kidnapped you and raped you or something? I thought you were the one that was supposed to be smart and responsible."

"First off there's something called street lights and flashlights. Second off this neighborhood is really safe. It's not like I'm running in the city."

"Still you could've gotten hurt."

We stand in silence for awhile. I think she was surprised by what I said. I was a bit surprised from what I said too. I know I care about her, but I've never really told her I care about her which is a big step for me because I'm not the best with feelings.

"Sorry I probably should've been more responsible." Maya says after a while.

"It's fine. You wanna watch a movie? I'm too awake to sleep now."

"Sure, I'll make the popcorn."

I go to the living room and choose a movie. I grab a few blankets and set them on the couch as Maya walks towards me with the popcorn. We sit in silence for a while and Maya is cuddled next to me.

"A spatchula? Really?" I hear Maya ask.

"It was the closest thing next to me!" I say a little too loud.

We both start bursting with laughter because of how dumb I am. I really thought a serial killer was coming too kill us. I'm so stupid.

"The way you yelled when you were attacking me Haha. That was funny, you sounded like a 5 year old." Maya manages to say in between her laughing.

"I really thought somebody was coming to kill us and there was no one else home so you gotta do what you gotta do. Ya know."

She shakes her head while chuckling. "Your still the same immature funny guy I remember. You haven't changed at all. I mean that in a good way."

I look into her eyes. "I can't say the same about you. I can tell you have changed a lot. But that makes sense cuz after a loved one dies people tend to change."

"Ya." She says while looking away.

"Hey look at me. That's not a bad thing. Changes are good a lot of the times."

She nods while we go back to watching the movie. I can tell she's drifting to sleep by the way her head is leaning on my chest. It feels comforting like it's meant to be there. Like her head was made for my chest.

She's so cute when she's sleeping. Her mouth barely parted, her eyelashes are so long and thick, her hair sitting perfectly. Usually when she sleeps she looks frightened, but right now she looks so peaceful and happy. I can't help but think it's because of me.

Did yall like seeing Nico's thoughts and everything that goes on in his head? Let me know if you want more of Nico's point of view. Pls vote, comment, and share!

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