Chapter 23

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Callie's POV

It's been over a month since Billie left for tour.

A month since I hugged her, kissed her, held her, fell asleep in her arms, nuzzled into her neck, made her giggle by squeezing that sensitive spot on her hip, felt her soft hair between my fingers, stared into her eyes, anything.

Of course I cherish our phone calls and FaceTimes, but they're just not really enough when it comes down to it.

I miss the physical side of things, and yes that does include sex. I'm only human, I got used to fairly regular sex, and now I don't even get to kiss my girl.

I'm going out of my damn mind.

But it's worth it. Not once have I even considered ending things between us, or going to someone else for the physical affection I so desperately crave.

Nope, Billie is the only person on my mind.

Sometimes I worry that feeling isn't mutual.

I'm probably just paranoid, but the last week or so Billie has been distant with me.

When she first left for tour we would talk at least twice a day, and we would always have a long talk after her shows until she passed out from exhaustion with me still on he line. Those calls are my favorite. Usually I sit at my desk and do homework with my phone propped up so she can see me, and she props hers up on a pillow, and we just talk for as long as she can stay awake; The way we do when we're at our spot or lounging around in her bedroom or something.

After a couple weeks it went to just one call a day, and recently, just this past week or so, she's forgotten to FaceTime me before bed three times.

I get that she's busy. I mean, she's touring an entire continent in just a couple short months for God's sake, but it still hurts when she forgets to call or even text me.

That's the other thing that's off, she's been texting me way less and when does text me, her messages feel short and she just comes off as bored or something.

Finneas and I talk almost every day and he has no issues texting me back, even though he's on the same tour. No shade though.

I'm FaceTiming him right now, and he's telling me about how Billie wiped the fuck out on stage at the show last night during bury a friend, and he could literally hear her head hit the ground.

If Billie was hurt I'd be upset, but she's fine, so it's socially acceptable that I'm laughing my ass off.

"So what's new with you?" he asks and I instantly smile widely.

"I got that paid internship I applied for," I say and his face lights up.

"The one at the at that immigration law firm?" he asks and I nod excitedly, making him smile even wider. "That's amazing, Cal. I'm so proud of you. Have you told Billie yet?"

My smile falters and I shake my head slightly. "I haven't been able to get a hold of her since I found out and I didn't really want to just text the news, ya know?"

He frowns slightly when I say that but nods along. "Yeah, makes sense."

"Has she been acting weird with you recently?" I ask and he shakes his head again.

"Not really. She has mood swings some times but that's not really out of the ordinary, why?"

"I just feel like she's been a little distant with me, but maybe I'm just being paranoid. I know she's busy," I shrug as if I don't care that much, but internally I'm freaking out about it.

Curious // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now