Chapter 28 ● A Lesson In Desire

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When Monday morning arrived, the news of my breakup with Lena Lee had traveled fast and and wide across town.

Every kid I passed on the school halls gave me a pitying look. Once in the bathroom I heard two guys talking about the poor sod who'd tasted heaven for a short while, dating the Town Belle, only to be broken up with. They were debating about my virility to allow something like that to happen, and I had to put my hands on my mouth to stop myself from laughing. Or crying. Maybe both, I didn't know anymore.

The worst was avoiding Dean. I could tell that he wanted to talk by the way he seemed to keep appearing in my path, and frankly I was running out of escape routes anymore. I kept telling everybody that I was fine and just needed some time alone, when all along what I wanted was to put as much distance between him and I before I did something that I was for sure going to regret. Like kissing him again. Sneaking my hands beneath his clothes and find that in doing so I was giving him freedom to do the same. I had already pushed my luck on Saturday, and the entire reason he didn't found out I was lacking certain equipment and instead had some extra curves was because of the thick layers of clothes in between us.

I was debating making a huge show of having diarrhea to get out of practice in the afternoon while I sat on my desk in class. Maybe it was a good moment to start pretending I didn't feel so good, which shouldn't be too hard, considering I felt like I was suffocating. But I got side tracked when instead of the history teacher, Coach Gauthier walked into the classroom.

The twenty some boys in my class and I paused from various conversations and an impromptu trashcan baseball game to watch as he took center stage.

"Settle down, class," Gauthier said, looking down at us from his long and thin nose. "We have a special topic to cover today."

Curiosity won over the natural desire of all the boys to do exactly the opposite of what we were told. We watched as Gauthier walked outside for a second to bring in two charts. Two very self explanatory charts.

The whole class erupted into chaos. The older man didn't seem the least bit bothered by it. Meanwhile I sank farther into my seat. This was so not a topic I wanted to discuss right now. I clutched at my mid section and figured that a solid half hour of squirming in my seat would buy my stomach issues story some credibility. And it wasn't going to be hard to pretend discomfort, given that I was a girl surrounded by boys who were for the most part losing their shit at a massive chart of the anatomy of a penis and another one of a vagina.

"Today," Gauthier said loud enough to drown the chuckles and cat calls. "We're going to talk about sexual health and reproduction, and I want you all on your very best behavior."

I groaned and it caught enough attention that it turned a few heads. One of them was the guy whose nose I'd broken on tryouts, who nudged the guy next to him as he looked at me.

"Must be sad that he can't get no pussy anymore, huh?"

I slammed my hands on my desk and pointed at his face. "Shut your cake hole before I permanently shut it for you with my fist."

He laughed that annoying laugh that was supposed to tell me he was not scared in the least bit. Luckily for him I had Pace sitting in front of me, who made sure to tell me he wouldn't let me start a fight in the middle of class. I settled, but still ran my thumb across my throat while the asshole watched.

"Bouchard," Gauthier called from the front, and the asshole turned around with an angelic look on his ugly face. "You sound like an ignorant and jealous fool when you use words like that, so can it."

That made me laugh.

"And Bernal," the Assistant Coach said and I sat up at attention. "Stop resorting to violence for everything. Remember, we have our eyes on you."

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