Chapter 37: The Willow

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            Fear slammed into me. I grabbed for a thick branch on the ground and snapped it in over my thigh, holding up the splintered edge between the Raven Demon and I like a knife. "Don't come any closer," I ground out.

Malphas raised an eyebrow at the branch, and then calmly placed his hands into the silken pockets of his pants. "Fantastic, you've lost your memory. Try to hold onto this projection little better this time, will you? I'm not your 'Spark Notes,' as the teenagers say." Shaking his head, he turned his back to me, gazing at nothing in particular in the forest surrounding us. "Alright, enough hiding. Come out and play."

I looked at him as if he were crazy. He was talking as if he were having a conversation with someone else, but there was nobody but him and I.

"I know you're there," Malphas said, turning back around. A grin lined his straight teeth, which didn't drip with their usual black venom. "I can feel you. Whether you are the demon or not, I feel your magic lingering in the air and it mimics hers. You have my attention. Now answer me. Why here? Why now?"

"Who are you talking to?" I asked.

Instead of answering, Malphas corralled me back a few steps. We both knew the branch was a pencil against him. Tossing it to the side, I raised my fists. My heart was thrashing a mile a minute.

"The entity," Malphas seethed, and then gazed at my fists with amusement dancing in his eyes. "The entity within your pendant. It must become stronger when you are unconscious, and it has insisted on bringing me here twice. Do you really not remember anything since our last encounter here?"

The last thing I wanted to do was stay here with this psycho, but I couldn't help but be curious. "Catch me up to speed."

"You're having an out of body experience," he explained, as if he'd gone over this with me a thousand times before. "Your body remains on Earth. We're in Limbo. The realm of lingering souls and memories. Also, you're transparent and glowing. Now do you remember?"

His words triggered a strong sense of déjà vu, which slowly pieced together until I remembered meeting him here before. I looked down at myself. Sure enough, I was a freaking glow stick. "Great," I muttered. "I'm a lamp on Earth, and I'm a lightening bug here."

"Has Death found a secure portal into the otherworld's yet?" Malphas asked, deep in thought. "To retrieve his sickle majiggy? Or are you just as informative as you were last time and still haven't got a clue?"

"Why the hell would I answer anything you ask?" I snarled, taking a step toward him. His expression turned amused. "All you've done is try to pin Death and I against each other, or screw with my head!"

"I await your point," Malphas sassed.

No DNA test needed. He was one-thousand percent Death's father. "All you're planning to do now is get whatever info out of me to run back to your buddy Ahrimad and get a gold star."

Malphas gazed steadily at me in a way that made me think he was contemplating snapping my head off. Although he was shorter than Death's, one venomous look like the one he was wearing now, and he was frightening as fuck. "Little girl, I must inform you, before you speak so openly again, that mouth of yours won't bode well with me." He tucked his lower lip over his bottom teeth and bit down, pausing before deciding to admit more. "All monsters have a creator, and to Ahrimad's, I am deeply indebted. So, I haven't an alliance with him at all. In fact, I have only seen Ahrimad once since the D&S ball, and it was in brief passing."

Death is My BFFLAD Rewritten (Book 2 of the Rewritten Death Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now