Chapter 32

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I'm having an AMAZING day!
I've FINALLY made my first Clouis Edit and I love how it turned out!
My instagram page in on my main profile if you want to watch it. 😉
I also wanted to give a Mega Shout out to MoonLilly2002 for your help finding a hella good downloader 😍💕
Also there is Smut in the chapter. Warning ⛔

Clementine's P.O.V


In the burning embers of the fire that spit infront of our eyes, we draw our cards.

"Barabu I'm coming for you"!
Gen sings, shaking her hand high with the lowest card.

"Oh boy"...
Minnie's voice trailing off in disbelief with the highest card.

"Would you rather...kiss Louis or kiss a rotting 100 year old dog"?

I glare at Gen, who only smirks back at me, while Minnie had a blank expression plastered on her pale rosy face.

"On second thought...I'm gonna crash".

"I'l come with". Violet mumbles, getting up and joining her girlfriend.

"Minn it was a joke"! Gen yells out to the couple.

Violet turning her head, signals us all a peace sign.
Looking back to the others, Louis had the biggest grin I've ever seen on freckled face.

"What's so funny"? Ruby asks Louis.

"There totally gonna have sex".

"Hey"! I brutally slap his chest as he laughs to himself.

"Your the worst Louis". Tanya giggles.

"Can't blame them I could go for some-"
Interrupting his little ogle at my knee, his fingers treading to my groin I swat his hand away, giving him a 'Don't you dare' look.

"Let's draw". My voice convincing.

Louis smirking devilishly my way, he collects his hand and draws along with the others.

Turning my card over I am the one with the lowest card, and Jill the highest.

"Alright, would you rather eat a full meat roast or eat a table full of cake"?

I feel the others eyes stare me down.

"What"? "I want to get to know Jill more". Pursing my lips I look over to Jill.

"Cake without question".

"You lie-"

Before I could finish my sentence she passes the bottle of...Rum?

Narrowing my eyes at the toxic bottle I take a enormous gulp.
I was use to the strong taste thanks to Nick and Jane, I was only eleven. But I would sometimes find a bottle of various spirit's on the road, I would usually taste test them, never becoming too drunk. I had to look after Aj sober.

"Goddamn Clem"! Gen wooping enthusiastically at me, Louis then snatching the bottle from my hands and putting it on the ground besides us.

He didn't want me to drink...


"Damn it"..."Not again"...
Aasim swearing under his chilled breath.

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