Chapter 34: Hide and Seek

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Lisa's POV

Tok! Tok! Tok!

I don't know why on hell there's a person who's knocking on my door. If I know I didn't tell anyone where I am nor my family didn't know about it. Actually I'm here in my own house at Busan. I didn't live here for a years since I'm based to Thailand but it was already build 2 years ago.

But this time I think it is the best day to stay in this home since I was hiding to Tzuyu and Jennie as well to get move on.

Tok! Tok! Tok!

Haysst is this person can't wait just a little seconds? That person is knocking for so long like he/she was planning to destroy my door. I'm getting annoyed right now.

"Wait I'm already here!" I said irritated while heading my way to the door.

"What's your probl-----" I can't continue what I'm going to say anymore when I recognize who it is.

"Hi Lisa! Miss me?"

"Tzuyu?" I asked in confusion. Yes, you heard it right. My visitor is Tzuyu. I don't know how she knows about my house in Busan. If I know I didn't tell anyone about this. Even Kendrick my bestfriend didn't know about this nor Sana.

"How did you know about this?" I asked her.

"I already told you I have my ways when it comes to you" she cheerfully said while winking at me.

This girl is really creeping me out. She's like a criminal or obsessed person who will do everything just to intrude you.

"Are you planning to stay here? I'm you're visitor don't you want me to invite inside your house? Look, I put all my efforts just to find you. I'm already hungry. I didn't take any foods just to look for you" she said while pouting. I can't take it anymore. I'm really scared now. Like O.M.G? She's always stalking me and it seems like she will never give up until she never saw me. So scary!

I didn't answer her anymore but instead I quickly closed my door and lock it. I don't mind if I'm so rude or I will hurt her. Gosh! I'm so scared right now! What if she did something wrong to me? I can't let it happen so better safe than sorry.

I lock all my door because of my scariness. I even closed all my windows since it's a bit huge. I think a person can enter my house by just using my window especially petite bodies who really describes Tzuyu.

When I'm contented about my security. I turn back to my kitchen to finish my food. But too late Leo is already eating it. Haysst, I'm so dumb for letting my food exposed without any cover.

If you're asking who is Leo well, he's my cat. I decided to adopt a pet to make myself busy since I didn't do anything here. I'm already spending my days here for a week and I'm so bored.

On the other hand, Sana is keep on calling me but I always denied her call. I don't want to answer it since I know Sana,Jennie and her whole family will immediately go here if they found out where I am. I know they are all freaking worried to me right now but I just can't let myself to cross paths with Jennie again. Not because I don't want to see her anymore but I'm just giving myself some time to heal my wounded heart. To get over her. To totally get moved on.

I'm preparing my food again right now since Leo already ate the first one. I was about to take one bite of my food but I stopped when I remember about Tzuyu. I feel a bit guilt when I remember what she have told me lately.

"I'm already hungry. I didn't take any foods just to look for you"

These words is keep on repeating in my mind. What if it's true? She maybe starving right now. I don't want her to get hungry. Yes, I hate her for being a lier but I'm not that rude to ignore her just like that. She's my stalker but I know that she's human too. So, I was so confused right now. I don't know what I'm going to do. My other side is telling me to get her in but the other one is telling me to just ignore her.

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