Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Enjoy :-)

Emily's POV

My heart dropped when I heard. My world came crashing down. "What?" My voice hoarsed with unshed tears.

"Yeah. I am coming to take you to the hospital. Alright?" He asked his voice too indicating his anxiousness.

I nodded and cut the phone.

Daniel had an accident? Oh my god. No! Dark dreadness washed over me as the realization hit me leaving panic in it's wake. No. No! Daniel. He can't.

My throat constricted as tears started streaming down my face. I was finding it hard to breathe. Car crash? Just like my

I can't lose him too.

I felt a sense of deja vu wash over me. I had gotten a call too when my parent's had a crash and they didn't make it out. My breaths were coming out short as my sobs constrited.

No. Now is not the time to have a panic attack.

I tried to take deep breaths but they were coming out short as dizziness took over. My head was spinning I tried to walk and sit on the couch and took deep breaths.

He will be alright. He will be alright. I kept repeating in my mind. Please don't let him die god please. I don't know what I'll do. The same dreadning feelings making it impossible for me to stay sane.

Where is david? Why isn't he here? I picked up the phone from the floor and with my trembling hands dialled David's number. A while passed and he didn't pick up.

I heard a honk and ran outside. David immediately got out of his car. "Come on we have to go." He said hurriedly his eyes panicked.

"I-i-is he alright? Wha-I--". I stopped as words couldn't seem to fall out of my mouth. Tears filling my eyes again.

His eyes softened as he pulled me in to a hug and I tried to stop myself from crying more. "He will be alright." He whispered as he ran his hands up and down my back soothingly.

I shut my eyes hoping what he said is true. I pulled back. "What about brandon? I can't leave him alone. He is sleeping. No staff is here at the moment." I said my voice hoarsed from all the crying.

He was quite for a while thinking. "I'll have someone to come and look after him." He said and just in a few minutes an elderly lady came. I thanked her and we went to the hospital.

My heart didn't seem to stop running. The tension was killing me. The fear was running deep in my blood. I was just praying again and again that let him be okay. I don't think I can handle if anything happens to him.

This is happening because of me.

All because of me!

I wish I had not blamed him like that. I wish I had trusted him and that I didn't get so easily duped. He would not have gone if I had not said those things. He wouldn't be in the hospital right now if I had not blamed him of things he didn't even do.

All because of me! Why am I like this?

Our last conversation was coming back again and again in my head and all I wanted to do is go back in the moment and stop it all.

He was so great with me and brandon. We were so happy and I had even started to accept everything happily. I want to fucking murder that bitch bianca! That jealous whore. It's all her and my fault.

We reached the hospital and my heart stopped a beat and then started beating frantically in my chest. My legs were trembling as I walked in. David was right on my side.

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