chapter five

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THE OFFICE IS quiet when we step off the elevator, parting ways as Maggie stops at the front desk and I continue to the editing wing. My office is tucked into the corner, while junior editors are sectioned out with their own bullpen. The art department on the opposite side, sectioned away from the editing team. The two sections separated by a large conference room.

We're a small publishing house, but slowly growing into something bigger. I was thankful to get this job right out of university after completing a summer internship under Clark Edwards, the CEO of Playhouse Publishing. He took a chance on me, and within my first year, I rose in the ranks and landed in my position now. And maybe that's part of the reason I work as hard as I do, because I'm so grateful for what Clark did.

He believes in me and my passion. He sees my potential, and he's allowed it to blossom in a place that I never thought I would be in. And I need him to know that he was right to give me the shot he did. That I'm as good as he thinks I am.

Because I am that good. I live and breathe books, and I continue to grow and improve.

When I step into my office, I shut the door quietly behind me and open the bottom cabinet under the wall of bookcases behind my desk. I slip out of my coat, laying it over the armrest of the chair in my small sitting area before settling in behind my desk. And before I even have time to login to my computer, my thoughts are back to Luke.

I wish I could stop thinking about him, but every time I think I'm free, he creeps up on me again. The hint of a smile on his lips permanently imprinted on my mind.

I don't want Luke to be anything more than what he already is. A neighbor I made a mistake with, but then I realize how abruptly I left this morning. I didn't even say goodbye, and as my thoughts go back and forth between guilt of leaving him to an empty bed and the realization that guilt means feelings, I dig into my bottom drawer and stuff an Oreo in my mouth. Fully committed to eating my feelings rather than face them head on.

I'm in the middle of eating another when there's a knock at my door. "I'm fine, Maggie," I mumble with a mouth full as I lean back in my seat, shutting my eyes to the bright fluorescent lights, hoping that she'll leave me to mope on my own.

"Try again, 4A."

My eyes fly open to find Luke in the doorway, fully dressed and very much here. Regret seeps in as I sit up, turning in my chair as I bring my hand up to cover my mouth and try to swallow as much of the cookie as I can. He already thinks I'm pathetic. I don't need him thinking I don't know how to eat like an adult, too.

"You okay?" he asks.

I hum my response, swallowing as I wipe the crumbles from my face. "I'm fine," I say and turn to look at him, taking in how messy his hair is. Like he couldn't be bothered to run more than his fingers through the short cut. "What are you doing here?"

He holds the manuscript from the night before up.

"You didn't have to bring that all the way here," I say, biting my lip. "I could have gotten it later," I tell him, trying to keep the flutter in my heart at bay. Did he really come all this way just to bring me a manuscript?

"Is that true?" he asks. "You were out of my apartment pretty quick this morning. I figured you were trying to avoid having to face me after we slept together."

I bite my bottom lip and lowering my eyes to the tips of my shoes, trying to conceal the blush burning my skin. "I didn't think you were much of a cuddler."

He lets out a laugh, causing knots to form in my stomach at how easy the sound makes me feel. The sound warming my skin. "You clearly don't know me that well, 4A," he says and my heartbeat quickens as he steps into my office, closing the door behind him. "I can be pretty easily persuaded when it comes to pretty girls."

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