The Patient

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"This way."

I stood at the door of the treatment room and gestured for them to carry him in. While they were carefully placing him on the treatment table, I hurried into the adjacent still room to pick up the herbs, tinctures and other supplies I knew I'd need and carried them back with me. My patient's 7 companions watched as I set the supplies down and reached for a basin under the sink.

"There are too many of you in here. " I said over my shoulder, as I filled the basin with tepid water. "Two of you can stay. The rest can wait out there." I jerked my shoulder in the direction of the small garden that adjoined the Healer's Quarters. "You can stand guard and watch from there."

"You have not told us who you are." The grey-eyed male spoke, the first time any of them had said anything since I'd hurried them out of the forest and into the Clanholding. They'd watched in silence as I'd spoken with the Guard and Keeper of the Gate, making no protest as I took them through to the Healer's Quarters.

"I'm clearly the Chef." I said, looking over my shoulder at him and arching an eyebrow. One of the others snorted with laughter. I shook my head and turned off the tap.

"I can see that." Grey-Eyes said drily. I heaved the basin of water over to the sidetable and set it down.

"I'm the acting Healer." I said, rolling up my sleeves before arranging all the supplies around the basin. "Our main Healer went with the contingent to Clanholme this morning."

"So you really are the one we need." This from a dark haired, slender male standing opposite me.

"I told you I was." I was cutting strips of gauze as I said it.

"What were you doing in the forest?" Grey-Eyes, ever the suspicious one, asked me.

"Burying a body. What do you think?" I chuckled at him. He gave me a look that said he was not amused. "Herbs, I was collecting herbs. You know, because I'm a Herbalist and because we use them."

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" He asked, looking skeptical.

"Anders, don't be rude!" A dark haired female - who looked very much like the dark haired male opposite me - said. "You'll have to forgive him, he doesn't have any manners."

"I noticed." I muttered as I knelt down and opened a draw for towels.

"We don't know what she can do, I don't want him to be butchered by some amateur--" Grey-Eyes - Anders, I corrected myself - growled at her.

"Myers!" I called out, not looking up as I extracted a number of towels, knowing that the Guard would have sent for him the minute I had turned the corner with our guests.

"Well, Ri, what have you gotten yourself into?" I heard his voice echoing down the corridor before he entered the room. The 7 companions turned around to look at him. I stood up, towels in hand.

"Let me introduce you to Myers, Council Member and acting Leader of Pendragon, while Leader Oryx is visiting Clanholme. Myers, this gentleman needs some reassurance as to my skills before he lets me treat his friend. I'm sure you can clear this all up." I smiled sweetly at the Grey-Eyed grizzly, who scowled at me. I could see Myers fighting to keep his face impassive.

"Certainly." He said. "But let's do this in the garden. Your friend looks like he needs some urgent treatment and I'm sure we don't want to delay that, do we?" He opened the doors leading to the garden and spread his arm towards it. After a pause, Grizzly Anders went out, followed by 4 others. "We'll leave you to it, Healer Marien." Myers winked at me as he exited, shutting both doors behind him.

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