:Believe Me, I'm Lying: 4

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I glanced at myself in the mirror once again, my heart pounding in my chest. My hands shook from nerves, and my palms were sweaty. I rubbed them on my skirt, trying to rid them of the sticky perspiration as I studied my appearance in the mirror. I definitely didn't look like I was twenty-one.

My chestnut colored hair was thrown up into a messy bun, supposedly making me look older. Or at least that's why Will had told me. My forest green eyes were hidden behind a pair of glasses- another thing Will had said that would help me look older. I thought it just made me look like a geek. I had applied light make-up as well, which surprisingly did make me look older.

A fitted, white, long-sleeve, button-down blouse covered my torso, and accompanied with it was a black skirt that reached just past my knees. I wore black mini-high heels as well.

I frowned at my reflection in the mirror. I didn't look as flattering as I usually did, but I had to admit, for this kind of style, I didn't make it look all that bad- for an average person like myself.

Turning away from the mirror, I left my room, shutting off the light and closing the door behind me. Elliot was still asleep, so I had to go grab him and send him to Will's while I went to work.

I crept into Elliot's room, trying to keep as silent as possible. I didn't want to wake the poor guy up. Most kids liked getting up early... Elliot didn't. Making sure not to step on any of his toys, I went to his bed and scooped him up gently. He didn't even stir.

Smiling, I made my way out of his room, shutting the door with my foot. I left my apartment, going next door to Will's, not bothering to knock before entering. He was in the middle of the living room, half-naked. A shocked expression came across his face for a moment, but then he frowned at me.

"You should really knock before entering," he told me in a whisper, taking note of Elliot in my arms.

I shrugged. "I've seen men without their shirts on before."

"What if it had been my bottom half naked instead?"

I raised an eyebrow. "You walk around with your bottom half completely naked? Boxers I could understand, but naked?"

"No, never mind," Will said with a sigh. "You can go put Elliot in my bed."

"I was going to do that anyway," I told him, walking past him and going to his bedroom.

I carefully placed Elliot down on the bed, pulling the covers over him. When I finished tucking him in, I turned to leave the room.


I jumped violently in surprise, twisting around to see Elliot sitting up and staring at me. I placed a hand on my rapidly beating heart.

"Eli! You scared the crap out of me!" I complained, trying to calm my heart.

"Good luck," he said to me.

A smile broke out across my face, my annoyance at him surprising me gone. "Thank you, Eli."

"I love you."

"I love you too," I responded, going over to kiss him on the forehead. "Go back to sleep and when you wake up, don't give Will too hard of a time. Remember he needs to work too."

My brother nodded, lying back down. "Bye, Pig."

"See ya, kid."

I exited Will's room and went back to the living room. Will was still shirtless. He appraised me with his eyes as I walked by him.

"You know Harley, if you dress like an adult all the time, I might consider taking you as my wife."

I rolled my eyes. "Ew. You're like, fifty."

Believe Me, I'm LyingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ