Part 12

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Characters: reader, Bucky.

Summary: Discovering the cute guy you just flirted with is the heir of a rival bakery, you suddenly find yourself running into him all over the city. Can your small boutique bakery compete? And how do you deal with the guy who seems determined to make your life a living hell? Luckily you're distracted by a secret admirer...But who is he? (Inspired by "You've Got Mail", Enemies to Lovers)

Warnings: none! Mild swearing?

Word Count: 2.2k

A/N: Y'all ready for some FLUFF!?????!? I'm excited. :D Finally Bucky is Bucky and now he can be the perfect cinnamon roll we all know he can be. *swoon* I'd love to know your thoughts on this part, any and all feedback is appreciated! I love you guys. <3


Repetitive buzzing rudely breached your cozy cocoon of sleep, causing you to stir. Each movement made your muscles ache and head pound. The buzzing was relentless, though, so you finally sat up in bed with a sniffle and threw your legs over the side to stand. Shuffling toward the sound, you were within reaching distance when it went silent. Of course it did.

Exhausted from even walking that short distance, you leaned against the door a moment and closed your eyes to stop your head from spinning when a loud knock from the other side startled you, making you jump.

"Who is it?" you called out in a hoarse, nasally voice as you peered through the peephole.

"It's Bucky, open up," a male voice spoke through the door.

Squinting at the distorted image, it was indeed the tall brunet with a mop of perfect hair whom had been your nemesis...until recently? In your ill state, you were almost positive last night had been a fever dream and Jimmy—or Bucky—had never showed up to help you with your baking. The idea still seemed absurd. Realizing you hadn't responded yet, you cleared your throat, or attempted to, followed by a cough.

"Um...what do you want?" you croaked warily.

"I heard you were sick so I thought I'd check up on you," he replied, his words now muddled.

Peering through the peephole again, you saw that he was eating something. Something familiar...

"What're that one of my cookies?" you nearly cried out, finally turning the lock and opening the door.

"Yeah," Bucky said with a smile, popping the last piece of cookie in his mouth and then continuing to speak with his mouth full. "You were right, these Dark Chocolate Pistachio are amazing, especially with the sea salt on top? So good!" He nearly sang the last two words as he nudged past you into the apartment, leaving you standing there in the doorway, confused.

"Uh...okay. Thanks?" you replied as you closed the door and stepped toward him. "So you stopped by the bakery?" you asked, reaching for a tissue in your bathrobe pocket and blowing your nose.

Bucky chewed a few times before swallowing. "Yup. I didn't see you at the Nest this morning and Clint said you'd be late with delivering, so I finished mine and thought I'd see what was up. Wanda told me you're sick? Does that mean you're actually taking a day off?" he asked in surprise while taking a look around your small apartment, which was now littered with tissues and dirty dishes. You hardly had the time to clean lately and now you just didn't have the energy.

"Unfortunately, yes. No one wants to see this..." you gestured to your current state, "around food. I did the morning baking for the pastry case and extra for at least part of the day. Wanda offered to do the deliveries, which was sweet of her. She's only done it a few times and it takes her a bit longer, but I was able to do the extra baking and open the shop before she shoved me out the door to 'rest and heal'," you told him using air quotes before another coughing fit took over. Covering your mouth with your sleeve, Bucky took a few steps back, but tried to make it look like he wasn't dodging your germs.

Flour Girl (Bucky x reader Bakery AU)Where stories live. Discover now