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It was never the way she looked always the way she was, I could've fallen in love with her with my eyes closed.

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"That's just disgusting," Tony gave Carter a repulsed look as he watched him and Dani chew their pineapple pizza.

"And, that's why we're together." Evelyn kissed him on the cheek, and plopped on the couch next to Leon, who was entirely focused on his cellphone.

Carter and Leon had started bickering a few minutes later when Tony and Eve went back to the kitchen to check on the food.

"You suck at pickup lines anyway." Leo huffed, wondering how the hell his sister fell in love with a guy like him.

"That's not true." He protested, and looked to Dani for help, but she cringed in response.

"It's kinda true." She nervously chuckled, and Leon wore his smug smile.

"Love is a sensation, caused by a temptation, to feel penetration, a guy sticks his location, in a girl's destination, to increase the population for the next generation, did you get my explanation or do you need a demonstration?" He panted after ending his speech, and smirked at Leon as if he had won.

"Yeah, I think I read that on instagram somewhere." Tony nodded, entering the room.

Leon howled in laughter, and Dani tried to stop hers, Carter however was frowning like a child.

"Whatever, I'm going upstairs." He stomped his way to his bedroom, with his pizza in his hand, leaving his laughing friends behind.


"Do you even hear yourself?" Leon shouted, wearing a murderous glare.

He hated how she made Evelyn feel.

He hated how selfish she was that day, and he hated how she made both Evelyn and Tony feel unsure of their relationship because of his words.

"If you're gonna be mad at someone, be mad at me! What the hell did Evelyn ever do to you?" He growled, never breaking eye contact.

"Go back to your girlfriend, Leon." Madison crossed her arms, ignoring her nosy step mother who was spying on them.

"Look at you! You forgave your father for the simple matter of proving that you don't need Evelyn. You forgave him because you didn't have anywhere else to go. You scream at me, and hate me because I'm trying to move on from you. Because you were the one who left me when I needed you. My only family was dying, you knew how much my grandmother means to me and Dani.

I told you that I'd stay at Chicago for six months max and I'll come back, but no. You didn't want to wait for me. You didn't want to compromise. And I'm done with this, whatever the hell it is between us. I'm sorry about your mother, Madison. I really am, but she chose to leave you! I didn't choose anything, I had to. You can't be angry at me. You can't be angry at me for finding someone who's willing to sacrifice almost everything for me. You can't be angry at me for finding someone who really does love me-"

"I loved you." She sobbed, interrupting him.

"And that wasn't enough, Madison. Love isn't everything. Take a look at Tony and Evelyn. They loved each other a hell of a lot more than we did back then, but still, Evelyn took the decision to leave him when she realised that there might be more for her out there.

Evelyn • Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now