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You guys rock
I sock


What's the best thing about camping in the woods on hill slopes? You can see the the stars crystal clear at night even though the trees are practically hovering over you.

This day felt oddly exceptional.

Except for the fact that their coach had ordered them strictly to share tents with their roommates only if you are up to that, but no messing around.

But, oh well, this was a highschool and there didn't go even one day where the students didn't not mess around.

While the coach and fellow teachers were away in their own little space, there were students seen sneaking out. That wasn't disobedience.

It was just disobedience.

One part of the woods where the mysterious bodies layed on the ground away from all the camps, hand in hand, just gazing at the stars.

"All stars are just black bodies." Connor said, turning to look at Hailey.

It was almost 1 in the morning and they couldn't care enough.

"Black...?" Hailey frowned. "But they're twinkling, you dumbfuck."

"Here's another fact. Stars don't twinkle." Connor smirked. He noticed that Hailey had sat up to look at him. So he too did the same, folding his legs and facing her with a smug smile.

"Tell me." She started. "How do they appear that way?"

"Science." He grins.

"I would like to know." She furrows her eyebrows at him.

The moon shone brightly on them, as if it was helping Connor get a better look at Hailey. He loved how her eyes were glistening.

"I would like to pass."

"Hmph." Hailey rolled her eyes and fell on her back again. "What about those coloured stars?"

"The green ones?"


"Here's third fun fact, stars are never green."


"Hailey!" He winked.

She just looked at him for a second before turning away from him.

It felt weird.

It also felt good.

"Can you stop with the facts shit?" She sighed.

"Never." He flipped back and just continued staring at her.


"I love science."

" wanna become a scientist?" She asked warily.

"Maybe. Maybe not."

"What do you mean?"

"You know, I wanna own a street stall, I want to be a cook."

Hailey almost choked on air when she heard this. Connor is nowhere near to as close as being a cook.

And Hailey had learnt that Connor's father owned almost half the buildings around the world. Hence, Connor was filthy rich. Their company had a big name across the country too.

All in all, Connor's parents were well known and so were Hailey's parents.

You could say that Lucas, Hailey and Connor were one of the richest.

"Do you not want to take over your dad's business?" Hailey asked, curiosity taking over.

"" Connor sighed. "I don't want to."


"Just don't want to get involved with the bad side of the society."

"Oh, you mean..."

"Yeah I don't really have a story to tell, but I guess I can say that my mum left my dad after he turned successful." He sighed, rolling his eyes. "My dad got really arrogant and bossy. He even became abusive for a few years." He explained.

"You think you'll turn into your dad if you pick up where he left?" Her voice was soft and soothing to Connor, that he leaned into her warmth a little.

Her hand came up to stroke his face lightly. Her fingers brushing his cheeks.

"My dad loved my mum. She was everything to him, but he lost her... I'm afraid I'll lose who I love." He whispered.

"You won't." She smiled. "You aren't your dad."

Over the past few days, they didn't know how close they had grown to each other. It was worth realising that they were slowly leaning towards eachother.

But they turned away.

On the other hand, Claire and Lucas where setting up a campfire, and it was just them, their silence, the light glances they shared and just their own company.

Lucas lit up a matchstick and hurriedly threw it onto the wood. But the coldness of the wind blowing past them blew the fire half way towards the target.

"Ugh." Lucas groaned lightly while Claire just rolled her eyes hard and kneeled down to pull her lighter out. She quickly lit the wood on fire and smirked at Lucas.

It was a smirk Lucas tried to avoid, but he couldn't miss the curling ends of her lips.

It was just too much to take in with how her face was glowing golden.

"Do.. do you want marshmallows?" Lucas offered, biting his lips and waiting for her to reply.

"You can have them." She shrugged being not very fond of the sweet.

She didn't know why he slowly grinned at the packet of marshmallows...? He seemed too adorable and Claire didn't like the sound of that.

"You look creepy." She commented.

"You look like you're on drugs." He mumbled inaudible.

"...what? I didn't quite catch that." She raised her eyesbrows at him and tilted her head confused.

"Uh, nothing."

"Okay then." She still didn't believe it was just 'nothing'.

They sat opposite to each other, and how badly Claire hoped that he was right next to her. It would have been a new sense of déjà vu from her dream.

She even had worn a black leather jacket and insisted to set up a campfire at night just so they were alone.

But it was all ruined when he started gulping marshmallows down his throat as if his life depended on them.

Claire didn't quite understand why.

However, she ended up just staring at him while rudely decline the offered burnt marshmallow.

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