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Today's the day. God I'm scared.

So I'm skipping school today because the admissions start at 11:30 am. Mom and Dad didn't even wish me good luck when they walked out the this morning.

I had been thinking on what I would do if I did get in. Obviously I won't leave school. I'll probably start online school.
Leaving school would not be an option. Nope.

So, for today I had thought of a pretty decent outfit. Or at least I think it's decent.

I've actually decided to take my car which was actually Natalie's when she was in high school and she just let me have it. I don't usually use it often unless I have to. I don't really have any places or anywhere to go. Or any friends to meet.

So I grab a water bottle, hoping it will calm my nerves and pounding heartbeat but to no avail. I get in the car and drive off to where I know the Academy is located. The reason I don't need to use GPS to get there is because I've been literally memorizing the way ever since we moved to this small town which was a long long long while ago.

As I parked in the street right across from the entrance, I realized that this was it. There is no going back.
So I grabbed the file that has some of my photos in it and hop out.

Why are my legs shaking!?

As I make my way to the receptionist's desk, I tell her that I'm here for the admissions and she points me towards a room. As I walk in, I see so many girls waiting around, some are listening to music and some are just tapping their foot against the floor. Some girls are actually sitting on the floor and straightening their hair as they've connected their straightener to a switch.

As I sit in an empty chair next to this girl who is taking selfies constantly and making these weird poses and her elbow would touch mine every few minutes.

Seriously. What is up with everyone here.

A few girls go inside one after another and a few of them come out smiling while a few come out defeated and sad.

A few minutes later a robotic male voice announces my name and I walk inside.

As I enter, I see a huge desk behind which, are of course the important people. The principal, the mentors, and a few fashion designers.
I smile at them all and introduce myself. As we get started I feel as if the interview is going great.
Then this mentor speaks up,
"What makes you think you can get an admission in our Academy?"

I smile shyly, "well, I've always wanted to be here. Modeling has been my dream ever since we moved here. I just find fashion very interesting."

They laugh and I keep smiling, not knowing what's happening.

Then one of them speaks up, "look, sweetie. You're not model material at all."

At that my smile falls and I look at them questioningly. They chuckle and start firing hurtful words right at me,
"I mean, you don't even look model material. You're not fit. You're like this chubby child who just has a dream."

I try not to let the tears fall. "But listen here. We don't want dreamers. We want hard workers. And as far as I, and I'm sure the rest of us can see, you're not working hard at all. Have you ever considered going to the gym like, at all? Because you need it."

I look down and try to subtly wipe away the tear that turned out to be a traitor. I don't have it in me to say anything. What does one even say to this?

"Okay," one of the mentors slams her hand on the table. "NEXT!!"

I slowly get up and leave the room.

As I get in the car, I put my head on the wheel and just cry for a good couple of minutes.

I don't know what to do anymore.
I feel so lost.

I can't tell my parents and hope for any consolation. And telling Natalie will just make her worry for no damn reason.

That's all I seem to be to everyone.

A burden.

Once again, I'm not good enough.

Her outfit that she wore to the audition is above.

Hope you're liking the story so far.

Thanks for reading,
Teddy 🐾

Chubby ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt