Chapter Twenty Six

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"Genevieve," Kaiden whispered. Her blonde hair and blue eyes were a shock to him, especially when he had been expecting someone else.

She gave him a brilliant smile. "It's been a long time, Kaiden," she replied, as if they were perfect friends. As if she didn't shatter his heart into pieces over four years ago.

Not long enough, he wanted to retort. "Four years," was what he said.

"Has it really been that long? I swear it's only been three years," Genevieve said. She really didn't care, did she? Otherwise she would remember the exact day.

"What do you want? What are you doing here?" Kaiden asked in a deadpanned voice. Personally, he wanted her to leave.

Genevieve frowned. "Well, I would've wanted a warmer welcome," she said. Kaiden stared at her with no emotion, which translated to a glare.

"All right, all right," she gave up. "I was a delivery person. I went to see a witch about something my cousin wanted, whom I'll also talk about, and it just so happened that the witch has your mirror."

Figures it was her that met up with the witch.

"She seemed to know that I had a relationship with you so she asked me to being this back, saying something like 'This tool is evil and too powerful and it needs to be locked away.' Luckily for her, I was already planning to come here," Genevieve explained.

"You've delivered the mirror. Now why don't you leave," Kaiden interrupted.

"You're being so mean," she pouted back. "I was about to tell you that I came over to you on behalf of my cousin, who said he might not hold himself back from hurting you. I'd ask what you did to him, but Luther already told me that you stole his fiancée."

Kaiden stiffened. Luther? As in the viscount who wouldn't budge away from Annabelle?

And Luther and Genevieve were cousins?

That explained a lot.

"That's terribly extreme of you, Kaiden. I think you should leave that girl alone. There are so many others out there," Genevieve scolded, irritating him.

How did he deal with her the first time, for all those years? And how the hell did he fall in love with her back then? But, he realized, he fell in love with her fake persona.

"She's not his," Kaiden stated. "And who are you to order me around?"

"I'm just worried about the girl, Anna is it?" Genevieve held up her hands as if she was innocent. He didn't want her to do anything with Annabelle.

"What do you mean?" he asked coldly. Genevieve paused before answering.

"Because I know you still have feelings for me. It wouldn't be fair to the poor girl, especially if she's in love with you," she stated, confidently.

Kaiden let out a laugh. Genevieve was so full of herself, stating things like that. In fact, she looked insulted when he started laughing. He decided to humor her a little bit.

"Oh, I do have feelings for you," he started, watching as her face turned smug. "But they're not love. Not anymore." She gave him a scowl.

Now it was his turn to explain everything.

"I was so hurt when you confessed to me, I'll give you that. I loved you and you took that, threw it on the ground, and stomped on it. But I still loved you for a long damn time. I also hated you at the same time. And then I realized something after a long time: I felt nothing for you anymore. You weren't even here to fuel the hate, or the love."

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