16 | I'm Still Here

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It suddenly stops. A few seconds of silence pass, then it starts again. Something ramming against the bedroom door. The sharp crack of wood snapping sounds out as it gives in.

I scramble for the clothes on the counter and throw them on with record speed; an oversized white v-neck and black sweatpants hanging loosely on my hips. My frantic hands fumble with the drawstring, pulling it tight only to drop it again.

The banging is drastically louder, now at the door of the bathroom. I barely get it knotted before the only barrier between me and whatever the hell is out there falls to the floor.

A bleach blond barges in, his alert eyes scanning the room before finally landing on me.

"She's here!" He shouts over his shoulder before turning back to me.

His face is vaguely familiar and the ring in his ear matches mine. He's from my pack, although I can't remember ever speaking to him before. I can hear Aimee's humorously exasperated voice in my head, "That's because you don't speak to anyone."

When all I do is stare, he breaks the silence for me. "Nathan sent us to take you home," he says.

The look on my face must be misleading, because his tone turns soft and comforting. Like the fear-me-not way you would talk to a child on the verge of tears.

"It's okay," he says gently, as if he's wary of his words, "He won't get you again."

Then it clicks.

They're trying to save me.

They think I was kidnapped. Which technically is true, but by my mate. Does that even count?

A short haired brunette bursts through the doorless doorway, sharing the blond's highly alert energy.

"Get her and let's go. He could be back at any second," she barks before turning and leaving just as quickly as she'd came. I'm an object to them, that's clear to see. Nothing more than an objective in their rescue mission.

At her orders, the blond steps aside and gestures with his hand.

I give him a cynical once-over. The fact that they think I'd ever want to go back is appalling. During my punishments they shunned me, too; the entire pack did. Yet there's a guilt that weighs heavy on my mind.

There's someone I left behind there. The only person who ever cared about me. And in return I disappeared without telling her goodbye.

They'll show me the way back and then I can gain my bearings as to where I am. Once I explain this to Aimee, I'll have no obligation to be there any longer. But what about Riot?

What will he do when he realizes I'm gone? It's a crazy thought, irrational at best, but I might be able to make the trip and back before he returns from wherever he's gone.

Finally, after biting my lip hard enough that it begins to sting, I nod. I follow the boy through the bedroom, down the stairs, and through the living room.

I'll be back, Riot. Just trust me.

I hesitate again at the door, like an invisible force is pulling me to a stop. Something gnaws at my conscience, something that makes my wolf whine. I shake my head and push it away as I shut the door behind me, catching up with my walking compass.

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