Chapter 17

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Nate p.o.v
It's been 4 months. 4 fucking months and she still hasn't woken up. I've been here everyday, and still no change.

The doctors just keep saying she stable, no change has happened. They say it as if it's a good thing. How is it a good thing when the love of my life is fighting to stay alive everyday.

Everyday I'm faced with the fear of losing her. Every moment I'm apart from her my mind goes crazy. It's fucking hard being away from her but I have a billionaire company to run and a gang that needs me. My priority is Sierra. Everything else comes second to her.

"Any change?" Mia asks. She's been her almost as much as me. Her and scarlet also care about Sierra a lot. Making the calls was devastating. Hearing them sob over her and knowing it was my fault made me feel useless.

I shake my head. Mia hugs me tightly not loosening her grip as I go to stand back. She keeps me wrapped up in her arms as she continues to comfort me.

"I'll be back in a few hours, I need to keep an eye on the business." I tell Mia as I place a kiss on sierra's forehead and leave.

Everytime I leave her hospital room it feels like a strong magnet pulling me back. But I have to resist the urge as my other prorities need attending too.

5pm and I'm finally able to come back to the hospital. I'm having to do most of my work on my own as I refuse to have another assistant. That role is reserved for Sierra. I don't want a temporary PA, I don't want Sierra to wake up and think I replaced her.

Mia goes home, leaving me alone in the room with Sierra.

I hop onto the bed with her, being cautious of all the wires and gently pull her into my arms. I miss how she'd lay her hand onto my chest when she was tired. How she's slap me playfully when I was acting like a child. How she'd overthink everything and then pout when reality hit her. Jesus! I miss everything about her. I just miss her. I'd do anything to have her back in my arms, calling me an asshole.

I can't stop thinking about our argument and about how this could've all been prevented if I would've been honest.

A tear escapes my eye as I whisper sweet nothings into her ear, hoping she can hear me.

A slight sob escapes my mouth as I realise this could go on forever. She may never wake up.

I continue to cry as I feel her hand tighten on mine. Surely a person in a comma couldn't do that right?

"Nate- I l-love you too." I hear her mumble. Her eyes flutter open and for the first time In months I'm able to lock eye contact with her.

My Princess is back. She's awake. My heart swells with love and happiness. I wanna hold her in my arms and never let her go.

"I'll go get the nurse." I say getting up of the bed and quickly pecking her lips. She immediately responds.

I rush into the hallways where I find the doctor not too far. "She's awake!" I yell in total astonishment. The doctor follows me back to her room.

Sierra lies there with her eyes open and her hand outstretched. I immediately take it into mine and plant my lips there.

"It's good to see you Miss Blake." The doctor greets her.

"Thankyou." She says a smile not leaving her face as she looks up at me.

"Can I go home now?" She asks looking slightly uncomfortable.

"We just need to run some tests. If they're all okay then you're free to go home Miss Blake." She gives me a huge smile as the doctor eventually leaves.

A few tears seem to surface in my eyes as I think about the past few months without her. I try to blink them away but some manage to escape and slide down my cheeks.

"Nate." I hear her voice calling me. "Are you okay love?"

I turn to face her as my heart is throbbing in my chest. The thought of her never waking up killed me but now that she is awake and with me I can't stop thinking about how I lost her.

"I'm so sorry I pushed you away. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." She pulled me down to her and placed her lips onto mine making my tears slowly vanish. The feeling of her lips on mine make me feel like the luckiest man on this planet. I have her with me and I plan on making her mine very soon.

I call my family and they're all thrilled with the news. I also call Scarlet to tell her, her best friend is awake. She almost cried when she hears those words leave my mouth.

I walk back into the room and jump on the bed besides Sierra. I wrap my arms tightly around her waist, never wanting to let her go. After an hour or so we're joined by everyone crowding around sierra's bed.

Scarlet and Mia squeal as they embrace Sierra into a tight hug leaving her wincing in pain. The quickly let go and say an excited 'sorry!'

My parents then walk into the room and sierra's eyes flicker over to me as she looks nervously into my eyes.

"It's nice to finally meet you dear. Nate doesn't stop talking about you. I'm Elizabeth and this my husband Gideon, we're Nates parents." She greets Sierra with a warm smile as Sierra introduces herself.

The doctor comes back in to finish running tests.

"You're extremely lucky Sierra. I've never met anyone who's gone through as much as you and still end up alive." She chuckles trying to lighten the serious mood a little.

She completes the examinations before turning to us "everything looks fine, I'll go grab some papers for you to fill out then you're free to go home."

Sierra looks at me with an excited face. She looks like a 5 year old on Christmas morning when they realise Santa has been.

The nurse returned shortly and after signing all the papers, Mia returned with some clothes and other toiletries for Sierra to use before we head home.

From the corner of my eye I see Sierra walking towards the bathroom door. Something comes over me as I run at the door preventing her from entering. I hold her tightly before attacking her lips. She responds almost immediately before placing her hands on my chest and leaning away. Her eyes are still closed as mine eventually open. She slowly flutters them open and whispers "later."

"Nate I need to get changed." She giggled as I hold her tightly not giving her a chance to leave.

"I don't wanna let you out of my sight again." I say leaning in and kissing her forehead.

"Then don't." She turns around as my grip loosens and walks into the bathroom. I follow her in there but turn around. I know I've seen her like this before but somethings different right now. I want to give her privacy but still be close to her.

She finishes up quickly before jumping on my back "done!" She squeals, looking round to see my face before planting a kiss on my temple.

"Ready to go home my love?" I ask.

"More than ever." She whispers close to my ear.


Sierra's awake! What do you think will happen when they get home?

- mads x

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